Current Students

Clinical Program Student Handbook

Clinical Student Handbook

Requirements of the Clinical Psychology Program

Thesis and Course Requirements
Masters Degree
Ph.D. Degree
Program Requirements Review Form (pdf fillable)
Ethics and Professional Behaviour

Program Expectations Concerning Rate of Progress of Students

Masters Degree
Ph.D. Degree
Periodic Evaluation of Thesis Progress

Navigating Through the Clinical Psychology Program

Graduate Supervision - Issues and Information
Appeals - Issues and Information
Scholastic Offenses - Issues and Information
Students with Disabilities - Information
The Role of the Clinical Mentor (formerly Clinical Contact Person)
Personal Problems and Their Potential Interference with Clinical Work
Therapy for Students
Part-time Employment of Clinical Students

Clinical Psychology Graduate Courses

2024-2025 Psychology Graduate Courses

Clinical Training Opportunities

Clinical Training Settings
Clinical Adjunct Faculty
Clinical Training: Planning and Procedures

Clinical Placements: Information and Forms

Procedures for Clinical Psychology Practica and Program Sanctioned Hours

Guidelines for Documenting Clinical Training Hours
SAMPLE - Completed Tally of Practicum/PSH Hours Form
POLICY - Counting Research and Clinical Experiences as Program-Sanctioned Hours
When should I get professional liability insurance coverage for Clinical training?

Forms for Clinical Psychology Practica and Program Sanctioned Hours

Intended Clinical Training Milestone (Previously Intent to Register) (pdf fillable)
Practicum Supervision Contract (pdf fillable) - Not needed for Program-sanctioned clinical work in a research setting
Practicum or Program Sanctioned Hours Summary Sheet (pdf fillable)
Practicum or Program Sanctioned Hours Log Sheet (pdf fillable) or subscribe to Time2Track
Supervisor Evaluation of Student (pdf fillable) - Not needed for Program-sanctioned clinical work in a research setting
Honorarium Request Form (pdf fillable) - Not needed for Program-sanctioned clinical work in a research setting
Setting and Supervisor Evaluation Form - Not needed for Program-sanctioned clinical work in a research setting
Self-assessment of Growth Form (pdf fillable) - Optional; for your own records
Tally of Practicum/PSH Hours Form (pdf fillable)
Student Immunization excluding flu (pdf)
Seasonal Flu Vaccination (pdf)
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board or Private Insurance Coverage (pdf fillable) - WSIB form only required one time; complete in MSc 1

Clinical Psychology Brownbags and Workshops

Brownbags and Workshops: General Information  
Psychology Proseminar Course Outline and Events - 2023-24 (pdf file)

Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Comprehensive Examinations

Clinical Psychology Program Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination Guidelines and Process

Clinical Psychology Pre-Doctoral Residencies

Pre-Doctoral Clinical Residency - Determining Readiness to Apply
Policies and Procedure for Applying to Pre-Doctoral Residencies
Tally of Practicum/PSH Hours Form (pdf fillable)
SAMPLE - Completed Tally of Practicum/PSH Hours Form

Residency Related Links:

Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Residency Centres (APPIC)
Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs (CCPPP)
CPA Residency Workbook

Graduate Student Conference and Professional Development Fund

The fund provides $250.00 in funding annually to fundable and active Masters and Doctoral students enrolled in the Department of Psychology Graduate Program. Although the Policy has recently been revised to include consideration of eligible expenses for Professional Development Activities (i.e., travel related to residencies or workshops; activity must be approved for reimbursement by Graduate Program Chair), please note that the total reimbursement amount for conference travel OR professional development remains the same - $250 per year.

Please read through the Graduate Student Travel Fund Policy carefully.

Clinical Psychology Test Library Information

Clinical Psychology Test Library Policy
Clinical Psychology Test Library Purchase Request Form (fillable pdf)