Hana Hussein Abbas
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Research Interests: Epilepsy; fMRI; Neuropsychology
Email: habbas23@uwo.ca
Amiya Aggarwal
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Laura Batterink
Research Interests: Cognition; Cognitive development; Language acquisition; Statistical learning
Email: aaggar7@uwo.ca
Hassan Al-Hayawi
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Adrian Owen
Email: halhaya@uwo.ca
Aymee Alvarez Rivero
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Ansari
Research Interests: Numerical cognition; Multivariate pattern analysis; Neurodevelopment
Email: aalvare4@uwo.ca
Breanna Atkinson
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Lorne Campbell, Dr. Erin Heerey
Email: batkin3@uwo.ca
Ronald Auguste
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Bruce Morton
Research Interests: ADHD and executive function challenges in the Caribbean diaspora; Developing psychometric tools for Caribbean populations
Email: rauguste@uwo.ca
Jessica Baer
M.Sc., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Weststar
Email: jbaer9@uwo.ca
Kristi Baerg MacDonald
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Julie Aitken Schermer
Research Interests: Loneliness; personality; Vocational interests
Email: kmacd252@uwo.ca
Mackenzie Bain
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ken McRae, Dr. Stefan Kohler
Research Interests: Episodic future thinking; Autobiographical memory
Email: mbain29@uwo.ca Research Website
Leonid V. Beletski
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. John Meyer
Research Interests: Workplace motivation; Well-being; Person-centered methods
Email: lbeletsk@uwo.ca
Genevieve Bianchini
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Lindsay Bodell
Research Interests: Suicidal thoughts and behaviours; Suicide prevention; Self-compassion
Email: gbianch2@uwo.ca
Madeline Bloomberg
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. J. Paul Minda
Email: mbloomb@uwo.ca
Bailey Brashears
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. J. Paul Minda
Email: bbrashea@uwo.ca
Matthew Brown
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hayden
Email: mbrow253@uwo.ca
Omar Jordan Camanto
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Lorne Campbell
Research Interests: Romantic relationships; Trust; Attachment; Evolution
Email: ocamanto@uwo.ca
Sarah Cappellaro
M.Sc., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Samantha Hancock
Email: scappel6@uwo.ca
Fernando Chacon
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Jesus Chavarria
Email: nchacon@uwo.ca
Caroline Chadwick
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Research Interests: Functional brain restructuring in individuals with temporal lobe epilepsy; Cognitive and psychological functioning before and after resective surgery.
Email: cmantei@uwo.ca
Warda Chaudhry
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Calogero
Email: wchaudh3@uwo.ca
Marilyn Chege
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Stevenson
Email: mchege@uwo.ca
Jason J. Chung
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Jesus Chavarria Research Interests: Self-injurious thoughts and behaviours; Borderline personality disorder; Substance use; Eating pathology
Email: jchun264@uwo.ca
Mikayla Colthirst-Reid
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Erin Heerey
Research Interests: Cognitive dissonance; Social identity; Social comparison
Email: mcolthir@uwo.ca
Emily Cordeiro
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Laura Batterink, Dr. Stefan Kohler
Email: ecordei@uwo.ca
Hannah Corenblum
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Penny Pexman
Email: hcorenbl@uwo.ca
Anthony Cruz
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. J. Paul Minda
Research Interests: Category learning; Metacognition
Email: acruz27@uwo.ca
Rebekka Lagace Cusiac
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Jessica Grahn, Dr. Daniel Ansari
Research Interests: Ratio processing/proportional reasoning; Time perception; Statistics (e.g., Structural Equation Modeling); Neuroimaging; Numerical cognition; Music cognition
Email: rlagacec@uwo.ca Research Website
Adira Daniel
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. John Sakaluk
Research Interests: Close relationships; Intergroup differences; Relationship maintenance
Email: adanie48@uwo.ca Research Website
Sereena Dargan
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Julie Aitken Schermer
Email: sdargan@uwo.ca
Hiten Dave
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Donald Saklofske
Research Interests: Emotional intelligence; Motivation; Mental health psychometrics
Email: hdave7@uwo.ca Research Website
Malvika D'Costa
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Donald Saklofske, Dr. Paul Tremblay
Research Interests: Intimate partner violence; Domestic violence; Grooming; Coercive control; Dark personalities
Email: mdcosta4@uwo.ca
Jack De Jeu
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Adrian Owen
Email: jdejeu2@uwo.ca
Noah Dodgson
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Stevenson
Email: ndodgson@uwo.ca
Emil Dzhunushaliev
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Julian Scheffer
Email: edzhunus@uwo.ca
Rachel Edwards
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. M. Blair Evans
Email: redwar49@uwo.ca
Rama Eloulabi
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Victoria Esses
Research Interests: Intergroup relations; Immigration; Refugees; Stereotypes; Discrimination; Prejudice; Arabs; Arab identity
Email: reloulab@uwo.ca
Selena Esteves
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. John Sakaluk
Research Interests: Secondary data analysis; Sexual health; Sexual dysfunction; Women's sexual health
Email: sesteve@uwo.ca
Anita Feher
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Donald Saklofske, Dr. M. Blair Evans
Research Interests: Conflict orientations; Conflict management; Emotional intelligence; Perfectionism; Self-compassion; Narcissism
Email: afeher2@uwo.ca
Lindsay Gabel
Ph.D.(Residency), CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hayden
Research Interests: Developmental psychopathology; Assessment; Longitudinal modelling; Emotion
Email: lgabel3@uwo.ca
Madeline Gilchrist
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Brian Corneil, Dr. Penny MacDonald
Email: mgilchr6@uwo.ca
Jennifer Gillies
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. David Dozois
Research Interests: Methodological limitations of research on cognitive vulnerability to depression; Evaluating the validity and utility of mood induction procedures (MIPs) commonly used in cognitive vulnerability research
Email: jgilli24@uwo.ca
Grace Golden
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Graham Reid
Research Interests: Access and use of health and mental health services
Email: ggolden@uwo.ca
Samantha Goldsmith
Ph.D.(Residency), CS&P Supervisor: Dr. J. Bruce Morton
Research Interests: Cognitive development; Executive functioning; Evidence-based assessment; Developing assessment technology for paediatric assessment
Email: sgoldsm@uwo.ca Research Website
Alana Graham
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Calogero
Email: agraha89@uwo.ca
Haley Green
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hayden
Email: hgreen22@uwo.ca
Garima Gupta
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Adrian Owen
Research Interests: Consciousness; Neurodegenerative disorders; Brain trauma
Email: ggupta29@uwo.ca
Jaimy Hannah
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Research Interests: Speech processing; Hearing; Psycholinguistics
Email: jhanna62@uwo.ca
Kara Hannah
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ken McRae, Dr. Ryan Stevenson
Research Interests: Event knowledge; Autism spectrum disorder; Social communication; Pragmatic language; Metalinguistic abilities
Email: khannah6@uwo.ca Research Website
Danby Harrison
M.Sc., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Hayden Woodley
Research Interests: Leadership; Groups; Workplace dynamics
Email: dharri83@uwo.ca
Owen Hicks
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. David Dozois
Research Interests: Cognitive schemas; Distress in romantic relationships; Life stress; Depression
Email: ohicks@uwo.ca
Amira Hmidan
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. J. Bruce Morton
Research Interests: Using multimodal techniques to understand the impact of early life adversity on children's executive functioning, decision-making, and socio-emotional development
Email: ahmidan@uwo.ca
Roy Hui
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. M. Blair Evans
Email: rhui24@uwo.ca
Bianca Iddiols
Ph.D, CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hayden
Email: biddiols@uwo.ca
John (Lincoln) Inglis
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Email: jinglis5@uwo.ca
Olivia Ipwanshek
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Jody Culham
Research Interests: Vision science; Motor control; Perception; Memory; fMRI
Email: oipwansh@uwo.ca
Ramkumar Jagadeesan
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Jessica Grahn
Research Interests: Spontaneous synchronization; Tempo perception; Beat perception
Email: rjagadee@uwo.ca
Samantha Jones
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Erin Heerey
Research Interests: Social networks; Social support; Emotion regulation; Social media
Email: samantha.jones@uwo.ca
Talib Karamally
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hayden, Dr. Hayden Woodley
Research interests: Mindfulness-based practices in the workplace; Drawbacks of materialism and overconsumption; Materialistic value orientation; Environmental leadership; Environmental psychology.
Preferred pronouns (He/him). Email: tkaramal@uwo.ca
Karla Kenny
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Lorne Campbell
Email: kkenny6@uwo.ca
Ella Keogh
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Calogero
Research Interests: Postfeminist identities; Feminist psychology; Qualitative research
Email: ekeogh3@uwo.ca
Devinder Khera
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Samantha Joel
Research Interests: Sexual compatibility; Sexual satisfaction; Relationship quality; Masculinity
Email: dkhera@uwo.ca Research Website
Abby Kinnear
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Lindsay Bodell
Research Interests: The functions of eating disorder behaviours and how they overlap with functions of other maladaptive behaviours
Email: akinnear@uwo.ca
Karla Kovacek
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Jesus Chavarria
Email: kkovacek@uwo.ca
Shruti Kumar
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Weststar
Research Interests: Job crafting; Bottom-up work design; Diversity, equity & inclusion
Email: skuma29@uwo.ca
Pascale Lacroix
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Raha Hassan
Research Interests: The role of temperament, specifically shyness, in children's social and emotional development.
Email: placroi@uwo.ca Research Website
Jessica Lammert
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Blake Butler
Research Interests: Neuroplasticity; Sensory development; MRI; Brain anatomy; Brain function; Brain connectivity
Email: jlammert@uwo.ca
Stephanie Larmer
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Stevenson
Research Interests: Autism; Education; Neurodevelopmental disorders
Email: slarmer3@uwo.ca
Zhuo Li
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Alex Benson
Research Interests: Team dynamics; Leadership and followership; Culture; Assessments
Email: zli2455@uwo.ca
Megan Lindloff
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Calogero
Research Interests: Weight stigma; Body image; Gender
Email: mlindlof@uwo.ca
Tristen Lozinski
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Jesus Chavarria
Email: tlozinsk@uwo.ca
Carly Lundale
M.Sc., I/O Supervisor: Dr. M. Blair Evans
Email: clundale@uwo.ca
Michelle Luszawski
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Stevenson
Research Interests: Sensory processing; Multisensory integration; Autism spectrum disorder
Email: mluszaws@uwo.ca
Jennifer Lynch
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Alex Benson
Research Interests: Group dynamics; Leadership; Followership; Interpersonal perceptions; Personality
Email: jlynch32@uwo.ca
Suesan MacRae
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Stefan Kohler, Dr. Ken McRae
Research Interests: Semantic memory; Memory; Concepts; Representation
Email: smacra2@uwo.ca
Shannon Mahoney
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Victoria Esses, Dr. Rachel Calogero
Email: smahony2@uwo.ca
Zahra Manouchehri
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Paul Tremblay
Email: zmanouch@uwo.ca
Lauren McBay
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Email: lmcbay2@uwo.ca
Cullen McCurrach
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Richard Goffin
Research Interests: Personnel selection; Psychometrics; Faking; Ways to improve the use of personality information in preemployment assessment
Email: cmccurra@uwo.ca
Chelsea McKenzie
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. J. Paul Minda
Research Interests: Category learning; Concepts; Cognitive psychology
Email: cmcken7@uwo.ca
Katarina McKenzie
She/her, They/them
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Graham Reid
Research Interests: Napping; Preschool children; Socio-economic characteristics
Email: kmcken45@uwo.ca
Julia McMenamin
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Natalie Allen
Research Interests: Teamwork; Future of work; Space-exploration simulation teams; Human-computer interaction in the workplace; Qualitative research; Mixed-methods research
Email: jmcmenam@uwo.ca
Brianna Meddaoui
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Lindsay Bodell
Research Interests: Improving prediction and assessment of suicide risk; Developmental changes that mark risk for self-injury and emerging borderline personality disorder (BPD) features in youth; Identifying targets for intervention and prevention among people vulnerable to suicide and BPD
Email: bmeddaou@uwo.ca Research Website
Taylor Meiorin
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Graham Reid
Email: tmeiorin@uwo.ca
Sahba Mirahmadi
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Victoria Esses
Email: smirahma@uwo.ca
Sara Moazami
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Lorne Campbell
Email: smoazam4@uwo.ca
Leila Moradkhani
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ryan Stevenson
Email: lmoradkh@uwo.ca
Jerrica Mulgrew
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Laura Batterink
Research Interests: Statistical learning; Neural entrainment; Language
Email: jmulgrew@uwo.ca
Emiko Muraki
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Penny Pexman
Email: emuraki@uwo.ca
Gabriela de Miranda Murphy
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. David Dozois
Research Interests: Romantic relationships; Depression; Intimacy
Email: gmurph2@uwo.ca
Alex Muth
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Carrie Branch
Research Interests: Animal behaviour; Animal communication; Comparative cognition
Email: amuth2@uwo.ca
Carolina Patryluk
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Paul Tremblay, Dr. Rachel Calogero
Email: cpatrylu@uwo.ca
Jake Pavicic
M.Sc., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Alex Benson
Email: jpavicic@uwo.ca
Noah Pevie
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. John Sakaluk
Email: npevie@uwo.ca
Ben Pilling
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Jody Culham
Research Interests: Visual perception; Visual processing
Email: bpilling@uwo.ca
Rafaela Platkin
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude, Dr. Blake Butler
Email: rplatkin@uwo.ca
Samuel Plotnick
M.Sc., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Samantha Hancock
Email: splotni@uwo.ca
Taylor Pratt
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Graham Reid
Email: tpratt2@uwo.ca
Yuchen (Helena) Qin
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Samantha Joel
Email: yqin287@uwo.ca
Sarina Rain
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. David Dozois
Research Interests: Depression; Life stress; Cognitive schemas; Romantic relationships
Email: srain3@uwo.ca
Kate Raymond
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Blake Butler
Research Interests: Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying emotional and cognitive dysfunction in individuals with misophonia
Email: kraymon9@uwo.ca
Stacey Reyes
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Laura Batterink
Email: sreyes4@uwo.ca
Olivia Richards
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Research Interests: Mental fatigue; Health psychology; Neuropsychology
Email: orichar3@uwo.ca
Laura Robayo Noguera
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Carrie Branch
Email: lrobayon@uwo.ca
Joseph Rovetti
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Research Interests: Speech perception; Listening effort; Cognitive neuroscience
Email: jrovetti@uwo.ca Research Website
Bidushy Sadika
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Victoria Esses
Research Interests: Immigration and settlement; Gender roles and stereotypes; Intersectionality
Email: bsadika@uwo.ca Research Website
Cailey Salagovic
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Blake Butler, Dr. Ryan Stevenson
Research Interests: Multisensory perception; Audiovisual integration; Cochlear implants; Attention
Email: csalagov@uwo.ca
Raman Sangha
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Raha Hassan
Research Interests: Temperament; Emotional concordance; Social and emotional development
Email: rsangh3@uwo.ca
Somer Schaffer
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Lorne Campbell
Research Interests: Attachment; Trauma; Sexuality
Email: sschaff4@uwo.ca
Kendall Schmidt
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Lindsay Bodell
Research Interests: Eating disorders; Suicide and self-injurious behaviours; Mood regulation; Impulsivity
Email: kschi46@uwo.ca
Prarthana Sembakutti
M.Sc., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Julie Aitken Schermer
Research Interests: Donation behaviour; Personality
Email: psembaku@uwo.ca
Riya Sidhu
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Jessica Grahn
Research Interests: The effect of different audio and visual cues on movement
Email: rsidhu66@uwo.ca
Thipiga Sivayoganathan
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Graham Reid
Research Interests: Helping seeking behaviour using an intersectional approach; Access to mental health services
Email: tsivayo4@uwo.ca
Evan Skorski
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Adrian Owen
Email: eskorski@uwo.ca
Mackenzie Smith
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Paul Tremblay
Research Interests: Aggression; Violence; Hostility; Trust; Habit formation; Alcohol consumption
Email: msmit642@uwo.ca
Vishal Sooknanan
Ph.D., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Johanna Weststar
Research Interests: Equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI); Discrimination in the workplace; Employee wellbeing; LGBTQIA+ workplace issues; Intersectionality in the workplace
Email: vsooknan@uwo.ca
Stephanie Souliere
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Derek Mitchell
Research Interests: Emotion regulation; Emotion induction; Working memory; Effect of emotion on cognition
Email: ssoulier@uwo.ca
Clara Stafford
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Paul Tremblay
Research Interests: Psychometrics; Measurement; Latent variable modeling; Longitudinal analysis; Data analysis; Statistical programming
Email: cstaffo2@uwo.ca Research Website
Emma Stewart
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Hayden, Dr. Derek Mitchell
Research Interests: Developmental psychopathology; Parenting; Temperament
Email: estewa48@uwo.ca
Rui (Rita) Sun
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Paul Tremblay
Email: rsun33@uwo.ca
Hailey Suttorp
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Marc Joanisse
Email: hsuttorp@uwo.ca
Antonius Tam
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Daniel Ansari
Research Interests: Fraction learning; Math learning difficulties (Dyscalculia); Human statistical learning
Email: stam96@uwo.ca
Cassidy Trahair
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. Paul Tremblay, Dr. Donald Saklofske
Research Interests: Personality; Dark triad; Narcissism; Test construction
Email: ctrahair@uwo.ca
Ashley Tran
M.Sc., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Debra Jared
Research Interests: Cognition and behaviour; Bilingualism; Use of behavioural, eye tracking and electrophysiological methodology
Email: atran329@uwo.ca
Madison Tutton
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude
Email: mtutton2@uwo.ca
Claudia Morales Valiente
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Ken McRae
Research Interests: Future event thinking; Visual imagery; Autobiographical memory
Email: cmorale7@uwo.ca Research Website
Dayna van der Zande
M.Sc., I/O Supervisor: Dr. Alex Benson
Email: dvande66@uwo.ca
Kristi Von Handorf
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Jessica Grahn
Email: kvonhand@uwo.ca
Deanne Wah
Ph.D., CDBS Supervisor: Dr. Marc Joanisse
Research Interests: Neuroscience of reading using fMRI
Email: dwah@uwo.ca
McKell Wells
Ph.D., SPDP Supervisor: Dr. John Sakaluk
Email: mwells43@uwo.ca
Samantha Withnell
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Lindsay Bodell
Research Interests: Weight-related factors related to risk for eating disorders (e.g., weight history, weight stigma, perceptions of weight)
Email: swithnel@uwo.ca
Fei Ying
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. David Dozois
Research Interests: Depression; Romantic relationships; Behavioural coding
Email: fying2@uwo.ca
Lital Yosopov
Ph.D., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Donald Saklofske, Dr. Paul Tremblay
Research Interests: Personality; Perfectionism; Procrastination; Self-compassion; Self-conscious emotions; Coping and resilience
Email: lyosopov@uwo.ca
Lisa Zhu
M.Sc., CS&P Supervisor: Dr. Lindsay Bodell
Email: lzhu343@uwo.ca