Clinical Science and Psychopathology
We offer graduate level training in clinical psychology that is accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association. Our clinical science program emphasizes theoretical and research aspects of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour, in conjunction with practical training involving a wide range of adult and child clinical populations.
It is expected that students will pursue a full-time program of integrated and sequential study leading to both the Masters and Ph.D. degrees. The clinical graduate program is not designed for those wishing to terminate their studies at the Masters level. For more information about the application process, click here.
Given its strong research focus our program is best suited to those who find psychological research intrinsically interesting. Thesis research is a fundamental component of the program.
In addition, students take didactic coursework pertaining to clinical psychology (ethics, psychopathology, psychodiagnosis and psychological assessment, psychometric theory, intervention and evaluation), research design, and several cognate areas (social, individual differences, biological, cognitive-affective bases of behavior and history of psychology). Students also take practica courses in assessment and intervention techniques, as well as a year-long pre-doctoral clinical psychology internship, prior to graduation.
Faculty in this cluster include: Dr. Lindsay Bodell, Dr. Blake Butler, Dr. Jesus Chavarria, Dr. David Dozois, Dr. Raha Hassan, Dr. Elizabeth Hayden, Dr. Graham Reid, Dr. Laura Batterink, Dr. Rachel Calogero, Dr. Ingrid Johnsrude, Dr. John Paul Minda, Dr. Derek Mitchell, Dr. J. Bruce Morton, Dr. John Sakaluk, Dr. Aislinn Sandre, Dr. Ryan Stevenson, Dr. Paul Tremblay.
Clinical adjunct faculty in a wide variety of clinical settings provide high-quality clinical training opportunities for our students.