Student Progress
Graduate students are expected to make consistent, timely progress in completing degree requirements and for documenting progress in Pathfinder. Progress is assessed at least once every year as part of our annual graduate student evaluations occurring after the end of every winter term. Please ensure that you are familiar with all program requirements, including those that apply to all graduate students (MSc and PhD) and those specific to your research area/cluster. Questions regarding departmental requirements should be directed to the Graduate Studies office in Psychology whereas questions about area requirements are best answered by area chairs.When students are not meeting expectations for progress, the following steps are taken:
1. The Graduate Chair meets with the supervisor and student (and if appropriate, the student’s supervisory committee members).
2. The meeting has two purposes: First, the graduate chair and others will clarify how and why the student has not met program expectations and to articulate what is required to meet degree requirements. Second, meeting participants will aim to identify and remove barriers to student progress and to consider ways to support students such that satisfactory progress can be made going forward.
3. The meeting is documented and a plan for future progress with goals and dates is created and agreed upon by the student and supervisor, with support of the graduate chair.
4. If these goals are not met in a timely manner, additional meetings may be held for future remediation. Students should be aware that the failure to meet program expectations regarding progress is grounds for removal from the program as per SGPS guidelines.
Please refer to for more information or contact the Graduate Studies office with any questions.