Dr. Sarah Vernon-Scott

London Health Sciences Centre - University Hospital


Clinical Neurosciences Department
339 Windermere Road
London, ON  N6A 5A5
Telephone: (519) 685-8500, ext. 36332
Email: sarah.vernonscott@lhsc.on.ca 

Clinical interests: My clinical interests lie in the areas of health and rehabilitation psychology. My theoretical orientation is cognitive-behavioural/behavioural. My current clinical practice takes place in the Clinical Neurosciences Department, primarily the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. I act as a consultant regarding diagnosis, often with respect to functional neurological disorders (most often, psychogenic non-epileptic seizures), and comorbid psychiatric illnesses with epilepsy which can inform treatment. I also provide treatment to both inpatients and outpatients who have been diagnosed with functional neurological disorders, mood, anxiety and personality disorders.  

Topics for workshops, seminars: Treatment of functional neurological disorders; consulting to interdisciplinary teams.

Type of clinical practica: Advanced Intervention; Advanced Assessment; More advanced practica

Types of clients: Adult

Modality: Individual; Group

Theoretical orientation: Cognitive Behaviour; Behavioural

Types of client problems: PTSD; Adjustment Disorder; Anxiety Disorders; Somatic Symptoms & Related Disorders; Neurocognitive Disorders, Depressive Disorders; Sleep-Wake Disorders; Personality Disorders.

Type of supervision you can provide: Student describes case; Co-therapy/Co-interview; Review audiotape with student; Observe student live

Recent students

Current students

Clinical mentor: Available

Research interests: I am interested in the underpinnings of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES). I am involved in a research collaboration with a neurologist and his neuroscience masters student attempting to utilize MRI images to understand PNES.  

Available to supervise: Yes

Constraints: Due to the nature of inpatient care, in-person assessment/treatment is necessary for this placement. There will likely be some supervision by a resident. 

Last updated: May 21, 2024