Dr. Ian Nicholson

London Health Sciences Centre - University Hospital


Psychology Services
339 Windermere Road
London, ON  N6A 5A5
Telephone: (519) 663-3469
Email: ian.nicholson@lhsc.on.ca 

Clinical interests: I work with children, adolescents, and adults with anxiety, depression, personality disorders, and learning disorders and I work from a CBT model but will borrow techniques from ACT, DBT, and MBCT.

Topics for workshops, seminars: Preparing for licensure including licensure tests, the role of the College.

Type of clinical practica: Initial Assessment; Initial Intervention; Advanced Assessment; Advanced Intervention

Types of clients: Child, Adolescent, Adult

Modality: Individual

Theoretical orientation: Cognitive behaviour

Types of client problems: Anxiety Disorders; Somatic Symptoms & Related Disorders; Depressive Disorders; Personality Disorders

Type of supervision you can provide: Observe student live; Review videotape with student

Recent students:

Current students:

Clinical mentor: Available

Research interests: Assessment of professional competence development.

Available to supervise: TBA


Last updated: May 24, 2024