Dr. Charles Nelson

Private Practice

10927 Oxbow Drive
Komoka, ON  N0L 1R0
Telephone: (519) 204-1806
Email: charles.g.nelson@gmail.com

Clinical interests: Primary focus is trauma-focused psychotherapy for PTSD utilizing CPT/CBT and/or PE approach. Work integratively with individuals and occasionally families. Population is typically EMS, veterans, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and the RCMP (other police services too). Additionally, focus on vocational rehabilitation (return to work readiness) with adults typically experiencing adjustment disorders, major depressive disorders, anxiety and panic disorders.

Topics for workshops, seminars: PTSD and military culture; peer support as a primary treatment effect; organizational consulting; working with first responder organizations

Type of clinical practica: Advanced assessment; Advanced intervention; Supervision practicum

Types of clients: Adult

Modality: Individual; Group; Family

Theoretical orientation: Cognitive behavioural; ACT/Mindfulness; Prolonged Exposure Therapy & Cognitive Processing Therapy; Interpersonal process; Cognitive; Family systems

Types of client problems: PTSD; OC & related disorders; Bipolar & related disorders; Somatic symptom & related disorders; Depressive disorders; Anxiety disorders; Dissociative disorders; Sexual dysfunction; Personality disorders

Type of supervision you can provide: Student describes case; Co-therapy/Co-interview; Observe student live

Recent students: O. Mohamed Ali, D. Walker (2021); Y. Yosopov (2022)

Current students: S. Withnell, L. Yosopov (2024)

Clinical mentor: Not available

Research interests: PTSD; Effective case management; Chronic pain; Dispositional characteristics involved in cardiac disease; Mild traumatic brain injury; Vicarious trauma

Available to supervise: Yes

Constraints: Available to supervise advanced intervention practicum in Fall 2024. 

Last updated: May 22, 2024