Dr. Esther Goldberg

Private Practice

London Pediatrics Clinic
302 Wellington Road
London, ON  N6C 4N9
Telephone: (226) 721-5437
E-mail: DrEsther_Psychologist@londonpediatrics.com 

Clinical interests: London Pediatrics is a multidisciplinary private practice setting that brings together practitioners from psychology, medicine, occupational therapy, speech language pathology, social work, and psychotherapy to best serve the needs of children and their families. I see children and youth for assessment and parents for consultation only.

Topics for workshops, seminars: FASD (have obtained additional training); Assessment 

Type of clinical practica: Initial Assessment; Advanced Assessment

Types of clients: Child; Adolescent

Modality: Individual

Theoretical orientation:

Types of client problems: Intellectual disability; Communication disorder; Autism Spectrum Disorder; ADHD; Learning disorder; Movement disorder; Anxiety disorders; Depressive disorders; Disruptive impulse & conduct disorder; Trauma- and stressor-related disorders; Neurocognitive disorders

Type of supervision you can provide: Student describes case; Review audiotape with student; Co-therapy/Co-interview; Observe student live

Recent students

Current students:

Clinical mentor: Available

Research interests: None current

Available to supervise: Yes

Constraints: Student must have flexibility with scheduling. Earliest availability October 2024.

Last updated:
May 21, 2024