Dr. Laura Fazakas-deHoog

Southwest Centre for Forensic Mental Health Care,
St. Joseph's Health Care

401 Sunset Drive
St. Thomas, ON  N5R 3C6
Telephone: (519) 631-8510, ext. 49282
Email: laura.fazakas-dehoog@sjhc.london.on.ca

Clinical interests: Psychological assessment and profiling - I provide assessment and treatment to forensic clients who present with complex pathology including psychotic disorders, mood disorders, substance abuse disorders and personality disorders.

Topics for workshops, seminars: Risk assessment 

Type of clinical practica: Initial assessment; Initial intervention; Advanced assessment; Advanced intervention

Types of clients: Adult

Modality: Individual, Group

Theoretical orientation: Cognitive behaviour; Psychodynamic; Eclectic; Interpersonal; ACT/Mindfulness

Types of client problems: Intellectual disability, Impulse control, PTSD, OC & related disorders, Bipolar & related disorders, Depressive disorders, Anxiety disorders, Dissociative disorders, Schiz. & other psychotic disorders, Sexual dysfunction, Paraphilias, Personality disorders, Somatic symptoms & related disorders, Med-induced movement disorders and other adverse effects of medication

Type of supervision you can provide: Student describes case; Co-therapy/Co-interview; Observe student live

Recent students: L. Gabel, S. Goldsmith (2021); S. Schulz (2022)

Current students

Clinical mentor: Available

Research interests: Prediction of violence recidivism; suicidal thinking and behaviour.

Available to supervise: Yes

Constraints: Available to supervise a student (of any level) from September 2024 to August 2025 for initial or advanced assessment/intervention placements. Tuesday preferred. Car required to reach St. Thomas.

Last updated: May 21, 2024