John Sakaluk

Dr. John Sakaluk

Social, Personality and Developmental Psychology

Office: SSC 6312
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 87755
Curriculum Vitae 

  • Bio

  • Publications

  • Research

Biographical Information

B.A. – University of Guelph, 2010
M.A. – University of Kansas, 2012
Ph.D. – University of Kansas, 2015

Selected Publications

*Indicates student/advisee contributor

a Share First Authorship 

  1. Williams, A. J., Botanov, Y., Giovanetti, A. K., Perko, V. L., Sutherland, C. L., Youngren, W., & Sakaluk, J. K. (In press). A Metascientific Review of the Evidential Value of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression. Behavior Therapy.

  2. Sakaluk, J. K., & Daniel, A. (2022). How EIRD is sex research? A commentary and reanalysis of Klein et al. (2022). Journal of Sex Research, 59, 818-825.

  3. *Gauvin, S., Merwin, K. E., Maxwell, J. A., Kilimnik C. D., & Sakaluk J. K. (2021). It's all Greek to me: Explaining, computing, and summarizing traditional and (re)emerging metrics of reliability for seven measures in sexual science. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 30, 156-170.
    1. Winner of Michael Barrett CSRF Best Student Manuscript Award

  4. Sakaluk, J. K., Williams, A., & Botanov, Y. (2021). Prioritization, evaluation, and promotion of replicability for clinical psychology research: A comment on Pittelkow et al. (2021). Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28, 222-225.
  5. Sakaluk, J. K, *Fisher, A. N., & *Kilshaw, R. E. (2021). Dyadic invariance and its importance for the replicability of romantic relationship research. Personal Relationships, 28, 190-226.

  6. Sakaluk, J. K., Quinn-Nilas, C., *Fisher, A. N., *Leshner, C. E., *Huber, E., & Wood, J. R. (2021). Sameness and difference in psychological research on consensually non-monogamous relationships: The need for invariance and equivalence testing. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 1341-1365. doi: 0.1007/s10508-020-01794-9

  7. Sakaluk, J. K. (2020). Getting serious about the assessment and promotion of replicable sexual science: A commentary on Wisman and Shrira (2020) and Lorenz (2020). Archives of Sexual Behavior, 49, 2743-2754. doi: 1007/s10508-020-01795-8

  8. Righetti, F., Sakaluk, J. K., Faure, R., & Impett, E. A. (2020). The link between sacrifice and relational and personal well-being: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 146, 900-921. doi: 10.1037/bul0000297

  9. *Kim, J., Muise, A., Sakaluk, J. K., Rosen, N. O., & Impett, E. A. (2020). When tonight is not the night: Sexual rejection and satisfaction in romantic relationships. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 1476-1490. doi: 10.1177/0146167220907469

  10. Williams, A. J., Botanov, Y. B., *Kilshaw, R. E., *Wong, R. E., & Sakaluk, J. K. (2021). Potentially harmful therapies: A meta-scientific review. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 28, 5-18. doi: 10.1111/cpsp.12331

  11. Sakaluk, J. K., Biernat, M., Le, B. M., *Lundy, S., & Impett, E. A. (2020) On the strength of ties that bind: Measuring the strength of norms in romantic relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 906-931. doi: 10.1177/0265407519881748

  12. Sakaluk, J. K., *Kim, J., *Campbell, E., *Baxter, A., & Impett, E. A. (2020). Self-esteem and sexual health: A multilevel meta-analysis. Health Psychology Review, 14, 269-293. doi: 10.1080/17437199.2019.1625281

  13. *Fisher, A. N. & Sakaluk, J. K. (2020). Are Single People a Stigmatized “Group”? Evidence from Examinations of Social Identity, Entitativity, and Controllability. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 86, . doi:
  14. Sakaluk, J. , & *Fisher, A. N. (2019). Measurement memo I: Updated practices in psychological measurement for sexual scientists. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 28, 84-92.

  15. aSakaluk, J. K., aWilliams, A. J., *Kilshaw, R. E., & Rhyner, K. T. (2019). Evaluating the evidential value of empirically supported psychological treatments (ESTs): A meta-scientific review. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 128, 500-509. doi: 10.1037/abn0000421

  16. Sakaluk, J. K. Expanding statistical frontiers in sexual science: Taxometric, invariance, and equivalence testing. (2019). Journal of Sex Research (Annual Review of Sex Research Special Issue), 56, 475-510. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2019.1568377

  17. Schechinger, H., Sakaluk, J.K., & Moors, A. C. (2018). Helpful and harmful therapy practices with consensually non-monogamous clients: Towards an inclusive framework. Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology, 86, 879-891. doi: 10.1037/ccp0000349

  18. Sakaluk, J. K., & Short, S. D. (2017). A methodological review of exploratory factor analysis in sexuality research: Used practices, best practices, and data analysis resources. Journal of Sex Research, 54, 1-9. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2015.1137538


My content areas of interest include:

  • romantic relationships
  • human sexuality
  • health and well-being (psychological, relational, and sexual), and
  • the meaning of psychological concepts for particular identity-based groups

My methodical interests, meanwhile, include:

  • Measurement modeling techniques (e.g., latent variable modeling, psychometric networks, simulation-based psychometric consistency tests)
  • Research syntheses of secondary data (e.g., meta-analysis, credibility analysis, inclusivity analysis, methodological trends), particularly in the area of psychological interventions
  • Dyadic structural equation modeling (e.g., latent dyadic modeling, development of new models, software development)
  • Inclusive and transparent research methods (e.g., indistinguishable dyad analysis, non-exclusionary sampling and modeling, registered reports, ethical sharing of data and research materials)

My current graduate students include:

My former trainees include (but are not limited to):


Prospective Social, Personality, and Developmental Psychology (SPDP) Graduate Students

I am taking students this year and I am considering those interested in the SPDP program. Within social psychology, I feel like I am able to supervise students with a diverse range of interests so long as there is some connection to close relationships and/or sexuality (often, though not always, through an intergroup lens). My students traditionally have been interested in particular relationship/sexuality-based groups (e.g., singles, those in queer relationships, those in consensual non-monogamous relationships), constructs (e.g., sexual satisfaction, social identity, relationship norms), or experiences (e.g., stereotyping, prejudice, stigma).  

In this area, I am especially interested in applicants who would be keen to contribute to the development, evaluation, software creation, and application of novel (or underappreciated)  and inclusive models for dyadic data (e.g., romantic and/or sexual couples). No prior experience with dyadic modeling would be necessary (I am happy to train curious and motivated trainees)


Prospective Clinical Science and Psychopathology  (CSP) Graduate Students

I am taking students this year and I am able to supervise students in the CSP program.  Though I am considering those interested in the CSP program, unlike for the SPDP program, I feel as though my ability to supervise students in this program is more limited to those who are interested in learning and applying secondary data analysis techniques (e.g., meta-analysis), in syntheses of clinical intervention literatures.  

In this area, I am especially interested in applicants who would be keen to synthesize areas of the literature on treatments for various sexual dysfunction. No prior experience with research syntheses would be necessary (I am happy to train curious and motivated trainees)