Stefan Kohler

Dr. Stefan Köhler

Chair - Cognitive, Developmental and Brain Sciences

Office: WIRB 5138
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 86364
Curriculum Vitae

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  • Publications

  • Research

Biographical Information

Position: Professor
Area: Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience
Research Interests: Human memory; cognitive neuroscience; human brain mapping.

PhD University of Toronto (Canada), 1995
Diplom Universität Bielefeld (Germany), 1991

Selected Publications

Fiacconi C.M., Barkley V., Finger E.C., Carson N., Duke D., Rosenbaum R.S., Gilboa A., Köhler S. (2014). Nature and extent of person recognition impairments associated with Capgras syndrome in Lewy body dementia. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8(726).

Duke, D., Fiacconi, C. M., & Köhler, S. (2014). Parallel effects of perceptual fluency and positive affect on familiarity-based recognition memory for faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 5(328).

O’Neil, E., Hutchison, R.M., McLean, D.A., & Köhler, S. (2014). Resting-state fMRI reveals functional connectivity between face-selective perirhinal cortex and the fusiform face area related to face inversion. NeuroImage, 92, 346-355.

Frankland P.W., Köhler, S., Josselyn, S.A. (2013) Hippocampal neurogenesis and forgetting. Trends in Neuroscience, 36(9), 497-503.

Martin C.B., McLean D.A., Köhler, S. (2013). Distinct familiarity-based response patterns for faces and buildings in perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33(26), 10915-23.

O’Neil E.B., Barkley, V.A., Köhler, S. (2013). Representational demands modulate involvment of perirhinal cortex in face processing. Hippocampus, 3(7), 592-605.

Martin, C.B., Mirsattari, S.M., Pruessner, J.C., Pietrantonio, S., Burneo, J.G., Hayman-Abello, B., & Köhler, S. (2012). Déjà vu in unilateral temporal-lobe epilepsy is associated with selective familiarity impairments on experimental tasks of recognition memory. Neuropsychologia, 50(13), 2981-91.

O’Neil, E.B., Protzner, A.B., McCormick, C., McLean, D.A., Poppenk, J., Cate, A.D., & Köhler, S. (2012). Distinct patterns of functional and effective connectivity between perirhinal cortex and other cortical regions in recognition memory and perceptual discrimination. Cerebral Cortex, 22, 74-85.

Bowles, B., Harlow, A.M., Meeking, M.M., & Köhler, S. (2012). Discriminating famous from fictional names based on lifetime experience: Evidence in support of a signal detection model based on finite mixture distributions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 38, 78-91.

Bowles, B., O’Neil, E.B., Mirsattari, S.M., Poppenk, J., & Köhler, S. (2011). Preserved hippocampal novelty responses following anterior temporal-lobe resection that impairs familiarity but spares recollection. Hippocampus, 21, 847-854.

Rosenbaum, R.S., Carson, N., Abraham. N., Bowles, B., Kwan, D., Köhler, S., Svoboda, E., Levine, B., & Richards, B. (2011). Impaired event memory and recollection in a case of developmental amnesia. Neurocase: The Neural Basis of Cognition, 17, 394-409.

Cate, A.D., Goodale, M.A., & Köhler, S. (2011). The role of apparent size in building- and object-specific regions of ventral visual cortex. Brain Research, 1388, 109-122.

Martin, C.B., Bowles, B., Mirsattari, S.M., & Köhler, S. (2011). Selective familiarity deficits after left anterior temporal-lobe removal with hippocampal sparing are material specific. Neuropsychologia, 49, 1870-1878.

Bowles, B., Crupi, C., Pigott, S., Parrent, A., Wiebe, S., Janzen, L., & Köhler, S.(2010). Double dissociation of selective recollection and familiarity impairments following two different surgical treatments for temporal-lobe epilepsy. Neuropsychologia, 48, 2640-2647.

Poppenk, J., Köhler, S. & Moscovitch, M. (2010). Revisiting the Novelty Effect: When Familiarity, Not Novelty, Enhances Memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 36, 1321-1330.

O'Neil, E.B., Cate, A.D., & Köhler S. (2009). Perirhinal cortex contributes to accuracy in recognition memory and perceptual discriminations. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 8329–8334.

Poppenk, J., Walia, G. , Joanisse, M.F., Klein, D., McIntosh, A.R., & Köhler S. (2008). Why is the meaning of a sentence better remembered than its form? An fMRI study on the role of novelty-encoding processes. Hippocampus, 18, 909-918.

Bowles B., Crupi C., Mirsattari S.M., Pigott S.E., Parrent A.G., Pruessner J.C., Yonelinas A.P., Köhler, S. (2007) Impaired familiarity with preserved recollection after anterior temporal-lobe resection that spares the hippocampus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 104, 16382-16387.

Danckert, S.L., Gati, J., Menon, R.S., & Köhler, S. (2007). Perirhinal and hippocampal contributions to visual recognition memory can be distinguished from those of occipito-temporal structures based on conscious awareness of prior occurrence. Hippocampus, 17, 1081-1092.

Robertson, E.K. & Köhler, S. (2007). Insights from child development on the relationship between episodic and semantic memory. Neuropsychologia, 45, 3178-3189.

Cate, A.D. & Köhler, S. (2006). The missing whole in perceptual models of perirhinal cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 396-397.

Ganel, T., Gonzalez, C.L.R., Valyear, K.F., Culham, J.C., Goodale, M.A., & Köhler, S. (2006). The relationship between fMRI adaptation and repetition priming. Neuroimage, 32, 1432-1440.

Köhler, S., Danckert S., Gati J. S., & Menon R.S. (2005) Novelty responses to relational and non-relational information in the hippocampus and the parahippocampal region: A comparison based on event-related fMRI. Hippocampus, 15, 763-774.

Rosenbaum, R.S., Köhler, S., Schacter, D.L., Moscovitch, M., Westmacott, R., Black, S.E., Gao, F., & Tulving, E. (2005). The Case of K.C.: Contributions of a memory-impaired person to memory theory. Neuropsychologia, 43, 989-1021.

Köhler S., Paus, T., Buckner, R.L. & Milner, B. (2004). Effects of left inferior prefrontal stimulation on episodic memory formation: A two-stage fMRI-rTMS study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16, 178-188.

Köhler S., Crane J., & Milner B. (2002). Differential contributions of the parahippocampal place area and the anterior hippocampus to human memory for scenes. Hippocampus, 12, 718-723.

Köhler S, Moscovitch M, & Melo B. (2001). Episodic memory for object location versus episodic memory for object identity: do they rely on distinct encoding processes? Memory & Cognition, 29, 948-959.

Rosenbaum R.S., Priselac S, Köhler S., Black S.E., Gao F., Nadel L., & Moscovitch M. (2000). Remote spatial memory in an amnesic person with extensive bilateral hippocampal lesions. Nature Neuroscience, 3, 1044-1048.

Köhler, S., McIntosh, A.R., Moscovitch, M., & Winocur, G. (1998). Functional interactions between the medial temporal lobes and posterior neocortex related to episodic memory retrieval. Cerebral Cortex, 8, 451-461.

Köhler, S., Black, S.E., Sinden, M., Szekely, C., Kidron, D., Parker, J.L., Foster, J.K., Moscovitch, M., Winocur, G., Szalai, J.P., & Bronskill, M.J. (1998). Memory impairments associated with hippocampal versus parahippocampal-gyrus atrophy: An MR volumetry study in Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 36, 901-914.

Köhler, S., Moscovitch, M., Winocur, G., Houle, S., & McIntosh, A.R. (1998). Networks of domain-specific and general regions involved in episodic memory for spatial location and object identity. Neuropsychologia, 36, 129-142.

Köhler, S. & Moscovitch, M. (1997). Unconscious visual processing in neuropsychological syndromes: A survey of the literature and evaluation of models of consciousness. In M.D. Rugg (Ed.), Cognitive Neuroscience (pp. 305-373). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.


My research interests relate to the organization of episodic memory in the human brain. As part of the discipline of cognitive neuroscience, my research addresses the relationship between the cognitive and neural processes that allow humans to remember their past. It builds upon diverse methodological approaches, such as the investigation of memory impairments in neurological patients, cognitive experiments in healthy individuals, the examination of brain activity with functional neuroimaging techniques (fMRI), and brain stimulation with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Some of the specific questions addressed concern how memory systems interact with the visual system when we recognize something we saw earlier, whether different parts of the brain support memory for different types of information, and how memory processes contribute to the detection of novelty in the environment.

Visit my research lab web page here.