Lindsay Bodell

Dr. Lindsay Bodell

Clinical Science and Psychopathology

Office: WH 324E
Curriculum Vitae
Lab Website:

  • Bio

  • Publications

  • Research

Biographical Information

B.A.- Washington University in St. Louis, 2007
M.S.- Florida State University, 2011
Ph.D.- Florida State University, 2015

Postdoctoral training- University of Pittsburgh/Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (2015-2016); The University of Chicago (2016-2018)

Selected Publications

*co-first author

1. Interpersonal, psychological, and cultural/demographic risk factors for eating disorders  

Bodell, L. P., Wildes, J.E., Goldschmidt, A., Cheng, Y., Keenan, K., Hipwell, A., & Stepp, S. (in press) Associations between race and eating disorder symptom trajectories in black and white girls. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Bodell, L.P., Brown, T.A., & Keel, P.K. (2017). Weight suppression predicts bulimic symptoms at 20-year follow-up: the mediating role of drive for thinness. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126(1), 32-37.

Bodell, L.P., Ialongo, N.S., & Joiner, T.E. (2012). Longitudinal association between childhood impulsivity and bulimic symptoms in African-American adolescent girls. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(2), 313-316.

Bodell, L.P., Hames, J.L., Holm-Denoma, J.M., Smith, A.R., Gordon, K. H., & Joiner, T.E. (2012). Does the stress generation hypothesis apply to eating disorders?: an examination of stress generation in eating, depressive and anxiety symptoms. Journal of Affective Disorders, 142, 139-142.

Bodell, L.P., Smith, A.R., Holm-Denoma, J.M., Gordon, K.H., & Joiner, T.E. (2011). The impact of perceived social support and negative life events on bulimic symptoms. Eating Behaviors, 12(1), 44-48.

2. Psychological and biological mechanisms associated with eating disorder maintenance

*Boyd, H., *Bodell, L.P. , Jennings, K., Kass, A.E., Crosby, R.D., & Wildes, J.E. (in press). Relationship between desired weight constructs and eating disorder severity over the year following treatment for anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders

Keel, P.K., Bodell, L.P., Haedt-Matt, A., Williams, D.L., & Appelbaum, J. (in press). Weight suppression and bulimic syndrome maintenance: the mediating role of leptin. International Journal of Eating Disorders.

Bodell, L.P., Wildes, J.E., Goldschmidt, A., Lepage, R., Keenan, K., Guyer, A., Hipwell, A., Stepp, S., & Forbes, E (2018). Associations between neural reward processing and binge eating among adolescent girls. Journal of Adolescent Health, 62(1), 107-113.

*Bodell, L.P., *Racine, S.E., & Wildes, J.E. (2016). Examining weight suppression as a predictor of eating disorder symptom trajectories in anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 49(12), 753-63.

Bodell, L.P., & Keel, P.K. (2015). Weight suppression in women with bulimia nervosa: associations with biology and behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 124(4), 994-1002.

Dossat, A. Bodell, L.P., Williams, D., Eckel, L.A., & Keel, P.K. (2014). Preliminary examination of glucagon-peptide-1 in purging disorder and bulimia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 48(2), 199-205.

3. Eating disorders and suicide-related thoughts and behaviors

Bodell, L. P., Cheng, Y., & Wildes, J. E. (in press). Psychosocial impairment as a predictor of suicidal ideation in individuals with anorexia nervosa. Suicide and Life Threatening Behaviors.

Forrest, L.N., Bodell, L.P., Witte, T.K., Siegfried, N., Bartlett, M.L…Smith, A. R. (2016). Associations between eating disorder symptoms and suicidal ideation through thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness among eating disorder patients. Journal of Affective Disorders, 195, 127-35.

Bodell, L.P., Joiner, T.E., & Keel, P.K. (2013). Comorbidity-independent risk for suicidality is increased in bulimia nervosa but not anorexia nervosa. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 47, 617-621.

Dutton, G., Bodell, L.P., Smith, A.R., & Joiner, T.E. (2013). Examination of the relationship between obesity and suicidal ideation. International Journal of Obesity, 37(9), 1282-1286.

Ribeiro, J.D., Bodell, L.P., Hames, J.L., Hagan, C., & Joiner, T.E. (2013). An empirically-based approach to the assessment and management of suicidal behavior. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 23(3), 207-221.


My research is broadly focused on identifying biopsychosocial processes (e.g., reward, emotion regulation and reactivity, weight suppression) underlying the development and maintenance of eating disorders and on identifying factors associated with the high risk for suicide in this population. My research has integrated clinical, behavioral, and biological theories with the aim to develop more comprehensive etiologic models that can inform novel interventions for these complex and deadly illnesses. 

Some overarching questions that I aim to address with my research are: 

  1. What makes some individuals (but not others) vulnerable to develop eating disorder psychopathology in response to dieting or psychosocial risks?
         a. How do biopsychosocial processes interact to increase risk and maintenance of eating disorders?
         b. What adolescent-specific factors contribute to risk during this vulnerable period of eating disorder

  1. How do weight-related factors (e.g., significant weight loss) and feeding or stress-related hormones influence vulnerability to over- (or under-) eating?

  2. Why are individuals with eating disorders at increased risk for non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal thoughts and behaviors?