Dr. Mark Petter

Biederman & Associates

642 Waterloo Street
London, ON  N6B 2R3
Telephone: (519) 873-3783
Email: drmarkpetter@protonmail.com 

Clinical interests: My practice primarily involves the assessment and treatment of first responders with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder resulting from work-related trauma. I provide treatment within a cognitive-behavioural framework, focusing on cognitive-processing therapy and prolonged exposure therapy. I also include aspects of mindfulness and ACT principles in treatment. Assessment involves semi-structured interviews as well as some questionnaires (e.g., The Personality Assessment Inventory, PTSD-Checklist for the DSM-5).

Topics for workshops, seminars: Posttraumatic stress disorder in first responders. Working with WSIB clients. Utilization of mindfulness-based interventions in private practice.

Type of clinical practica: Initial assessment; Initial intervention; Advanced intervention

Types of clients: Adult

Modality: Individual

Theoretical orientation: Cognitive behavioural; Behavioural; ACT/Mindfulness

Types of client problems: PTSD; Depressive disorders; Anxiety disorders; Neurocognitive disorders

Type of supervision you can provide: Student describes case; Co-therapy/Co-interview; Observe student live

Recent students: S. Ouellette (2019)

Current students

Clinical mentor: Available

Research interests

Available to supervise: No


Last updated: May 22, 2024