Dr. Kathy Dance

McKenzie Psychology

186 Albert Street, Suite 305
London, ON  N6A 1M1
Telephone: (519) 432-6200
Email: KathrynD@mckenziepsychology.ca

Clinical interests: I work with older adolescents and adults in private practice. Clinically I am particularly interested in trauma and dissociation, and the clinical implications of attachment. On a practice level, in addition to treating the sequelae of trauma, I most frequently treat mood and anxiety disorders. A significant portion of clinical work focuses on assisting patients with managing loss, and relationship problems. I have an interest in illness anxiety. I also have some specialized knowledge and competencies for working with LGBT2Q populations. I have extensive exposure to theoretical and practice literature with respect to clinical supervision. 

I remain abreast of clinical and scientific findings to inform treatment, and encourage trainees to do the same.  To provide a flavour of the scope of practice and its evidence base, recent readings have included:

  • Solanto, M V (2013) Cognitve-Behavioral Therapy for adult ADHD: Targeting executive dysfunction
  • Heller, L & LaPierre, A (2012) Healing developmental trauma
  • Pearlman et al (2014) Treating traumatic bereavement: A practitioner’s guide

Recently I have conducted literature searches and readings on the topics of telepsychology, CBT for treatment of depersonalization, imagery rehearsal treatment for nightmares etc. I utilize outcome assessments when relevant, for example using the PTSD checklist (PCL-5) for monitoring progress in CPT.

Topics for workshops, seminars: LGBT2Q; Countertransference and sexual feelings

Type of clinical practica: Initial intervention; Advanced Intervention

Types of clients: Adolescent; Adult

Modality: Individual

Theoretical orientation: ACT/Mindfulness; Cognitive Behavioural; Behavioural; Cognitive; Psychodynamic

Types of client problems: PTSD, Adjustment disorder, OC & related disorders, Anxiety disorders, Feeding & eating disorders, Somatic symptoms & related disorders, Depressive disorders; Dissociative disorders

Type of supervision you can provide: Student describes case

Recent students: D. Walker (2020)

Current students

Clinical mentor: Available

Research interests:

Available to supervise: No


Last updated: May 21, 2024