Colloquium Speakers

The colloquia are held Fridays at 3:00 p.m. in University Community Centre (UCC),Room 37 unless otherwise noted.

Please click on the speaker's name and abstract to access more information.

Date Speaker/Institution Talk Title Remarks
Oct. 2 Dr. Nora Newcombe
Temple University
How Do (Some) People Make a Cognitive Map? Abstract
Oct. 30 Dr. Scott Lilienfeld
Emory University
Our Neurocentric World: Promises and Perils for Scientific and Professional Psychology Abstract
Nov. 6 Dr. Russell Johnson
Michigan State University
When good leaders break bad: Moral licensing and ego depletion consequences of ethical leader behavior Abstract
Nov. 20 Dr. Adam Anderson
Cornell University
Neural representations of external events and their internal affect Abstract
Jan. 15 Dr. Sheldon Solomon
Skidmore College
The Worm at the Core: On the Role of Death in Life Abstract
Feb. 12 Dr. Bob McMurray
University of Iowa
It takes a team.  Multiple mechanisms for real-time speech processing:  Evidence from computational modeling, eye-tracking, electro-corticography, event related potentials Abstract
Mar. 4 Dr. Suzanne Bell
DePaul University
Putting Team Composition Research in Context: How the Mix of Team Members influences Team Effectiveness in and out of this World Abstract
Mar. 11 Dr. Talia Konkle
Harvard University
Carving Object Representation at it’s (Multi-Level) Joints Abstract
Apr. 8 Dr. Justin Cavallo
Wilfrid Laurier University
Regulating relationships: How motivational states shape connection to close others Abstract

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