Undergraduate Psychology Program Counselling

Undergraduate Program Counselling

For Psychology Undergraduate Program Counselling, please make an appointment to see one of our advisors. To book a date and time for an over-the-phone appointment, please click on the "Book Now" icon below. PLEASE NOTE: IN-PERSON appointments are not being taken at this time.

If you require an appointment beyond the days available at the calendar link, please call the Psychology Department’s Main Office at 519-661-2067. In exceptional circumstances, a morning appointment can be arranged; in this situation, please contact the Main Office.

Alternatively, you may direct any brief Psychology Undergraduate inquiries to the Psychology Undergraduate Program Advisors at psycouns@uwo.ca.

***If you prefer not to leave personal information on the externally hosted booking software (which uses Google Cloud Datastore), please call the Main Office at 519-661-2067 to book an appointment. By clicking the link below and completing your booking you agree to their privacy policy.

To book an appointment with our Program Advisors click the Book Now button below:

link to booking calendar

Faculty of Social Science Counselling

For Faculty of Social Science Counselling, please visit: https://counselling.ssc.uwo.ca/ 

Students graduating with a Undergraduate Degree in Psychology at Western who have truly availed themselves of the educational opportunities we provide will have the skills many employers are looking for. To find out more, read this 2013 article by Dr. Tara Kuther, posted on the American Psychological Association's Student Network page: "What employers seek in job applicants: You’ve got the skills they want"

Medical/Personal Problem

If you feel that you have a medical or personal problem that is interfering with your work, you should contact your home Faculty Academic Counselling Office and your instructor as soon as possible. Problems may then be documented and possible arrangements to assist you can be discussed at the time of the occurrence rather than on a retroactive basis. In general, retroactive requests for grade revisions on medical or compassionate grounds will not be considered.
Lastly, it is always most helpful to include your full name and student number on all academic correspondence or when leaving a voicemail message.

Intent to Register

Intent to Register (ITR) is a period from March 1 to March 31 of each year for current Fall/Winter students to request registration in an academic program and/or module for the subsequent Fall/Winter term. During March of each year students can access the Intent to Register option in their Student Centre. If a student is not wanting to make any changes to their current enrollment status, then they do not need to submit any Intent to Register.

Information regarding your Intent to Register (ITR) as they relate to our Psychology modules can be found in this brief video.

In very early March of each year we will post here a link to a Zoom Information Session regarding our Psychology Modules and Intent to Register. Students in Psych 1002A/1003B and students in a Psychology module will also receive at the same time an email regarding the information session.