Honours Thesis - Course Information Psychology 4850E, 4851E, 4852E
Dr. Debra Jared (djjared@uwo.ca)
General Information
All Psychology Honours Specialization students registered in the 4th year of their program, and who have completed the prerequisite courses for their thesis, may enroll in a Psychology Thesis course (one of Psychology 4850E, 4851E, 4852E or 4853E) provided they have filled out the application to be matched with a thesis supervisor by March 3, 2025.
Psychology 4850E is reserved for students in either the Psychology Honours Specialization BA program or in the Psychology Honours Specialization BSc program.
Psychology 4851E is reserved for students in the Psychology Honours BSc program who are conducting psychology research in cognition, sensation and perception, behavioral or cognitive neuroscience, or developmental cognitive neuroscience, and must be supervised by psychology faculty members conducting research that would fall under the NSERC mandate. These students may count Psych 4851E towards the 6.0 credits of "Science-approved" Psychology courses that the student must take as part of this module.
Psychology 4852E is reserved for students in the DCN program. If you are a DCN student who in this current Academic Year is taking the prerequisites for DCN thesis Psychology 4852E, you need to contact the head of the DCN program to discuss plans for your thesis project and supervision.
Psychology 4853E is a thesis option open to all students. Students pick a topic and conduct a meta-analysis of the literature on the topic. A meta-analysis involves a systematic review of the literature and a quantitative analysis of the evidence for an effect, for example the effectiveness of a treatment. Dr. Tremblay provides class instruction on the methodology and advice on individual projects. Students interested in policy and evidence-based practice should consider this thesis option.
THESIS COURSES PREREQUISITES: Psychology 3801F/G (or the former Psychology 3800F/G) is a prerequisite for Psychology 4850E, 4851E, 4852E and 4853E. In addition, Psychology 4850E & Psychology 4853E students must have taken one of Psychology 3184F/G, 3185F/G, 3285F/G, 3480F/G, 3485F/G, 3580F/G, 3780F/G or 3840F/G. Psychology 4851E students must have taken one of Psychology 3184F/G, 3185F/G, 3285F/G, or 3485F/G. Psychology 4852E students (those in the DCN program) must have taken Psychology 3485F/G.
Who should apply?
To be eligible to apply to the honours thesis course you must be in a position to complete all prerequisites by the April 30th preceding the September-April Academic Year when you want to enroll in your thesis course. Only applications from students who have completed all prerequisites and who meet the grade requirements for the 4th year of the honours specialization in psychology program will be considered for admission to one of our Psychology Thesis courses.
Application Steps
If you will fulfill the above criteria for the 2025-2026 Academic Year, please sign up to the OWL link: