Resources for Students

One of our primary goals is to provide support and resources for students. If you have any questions about these resources please email us at Please note that this is a student committee affiliated with Western University, so the following resources and support for students have been approved by the Psychology Department.

Scholarships & Opportunities

Search for international Scholarships in Canada: Canada Summer Research Opportunities Programme (Canada SROP) will be hosted at UofT.
A pilot program will be run remotely at UofT from June 7 - July 30, 2021. More details are available on the SROP website:

Support Resources

If you or a student that you supervise have experienced discrimination or harassment, the following support services are available to you:

SOGS: The Society of Graduate Students is a student government, advocacy organization and student union that provides the following:
• Accessibility Services
• Discrimination and Harassment
• Family and Parenting Support
• Food Support Services and Resources
• Indigenous Services and Support
• Mental Health Services
• Pride Services
• Sexual Violence Resources and Support
• Women’s Support Resources
• Religious Equity Resources

PSAC 610: This Teaching Assistants' and Postdoctoral Associates' Union at Western University provides a list of benefits and resources, including:
• Collective Agreements
• Bylaws and Constitutions
• Legislative Resources

Equity and Human Rights: Western supports all members of the Western community - staff, faculty and students! Please visit this page if you need to report an incident or concern. Other related services are listed.

Office of the Ombudsperson: This office provides confidential support to help students prepare, manage, and resolve difficult situations.

If you have experienced gender-based and/or sexualized violence, please visit Western’s survivor support page for more information.

On-campus Counselling:
Equity and Human Rights Services (Western)
Health & Wellness Services (graduate and undergraduate students)
Workplace Health (staff and faculty)
Employee Assistance Program (staff and faculty)

Off-campus Counselling for gender-based and sexual violence:
• Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program: Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm, phone - (519) 646-6100 ext. 64224

Reporting Resources

Reporting Discrimination and Harassment at Western

Some graduate students may experience discrimination and/or harassment over the course of their studies at Western. Reporting discrimination or harassment within the university environment may be intimidating, isolating, and difficult to navigate. Figuring out which university body to make a report to, in itself, may require an extensive amount of work on behalf of the individual, creating a potential barrier to individuals coming forward with reports or pursuing complaints.  

Members of the EDI-GP have identified organizations/services that psychology graduate students are most likely to be a part of, as well as reporting processes that are available for specific types of discrimination and harassment (i.e., gender-based and sexual violence). If you have experienced discrimination and/or harassment, you may use the following descriptions to identify the available reporting and complaint option(s) that align with your experiences.  Each section includes links to official policy and procedure documents as well as a summary document drafted by EDI-GP committee members that explain the most typical reporting procedures in lay language. These documents should not be used in lieu of the official policy and procedure documents nor in place of consultations with representatives from the organization/service. Contact information for each of the following organizations/services is also provided. 

Any individual who has experienced or witnessed discrimination or harassment is encouraged to consult with Equity and Human Rights Services (EHRS) as an initial step for support and information about the available and appropriate options for further action (if so desired).

The following information uses the terms Complainant and Respondent. The Complainant is the individual who makes a complaint in an official proceeding. The Respondent is the individual who is accused of violating a policy.

Reporting to Equity and Human Rights Services (EHRS)
This service is for students, staff or faculty members who have experienced or witnessed discrimination or harassment at Western by other students, staff or faculty.

Reporting to Gender-Based and Sexual Violence 
This service is for anyone who has experienced gender-based or sexual harassment, regardless of whether they are a student and/or employee at Western.

Reporting to Society of Graduate Students (SOGS)
This service is for anyone who is a member of SOGS (e.g., a person registered as a graduate student in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies) who has experienced discrimination and/or harassment from another member or employee of SOGS.

Reporting to PSAC Local 610 
This service is for Graduate Students who are or have been a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) within the current academic year and have experienced discrimination or harassment by another member of PSAC or a University employee (i.e., a faculty or staff member).

Reporting to Campus Police 
If you feel you are in immediate danger, please call 911. This service is for students who believe their safety is being threatened, if they have any questions about an individual’s behavior that requires advice or guidance, or have experienced criminal harassment (e.g., serious threats or stalking).

Other Resources & Information

Campus Life Diversity: Links to the other support services, including committees, groups and resources at Western University. A few organizations and learning spaces are highlighted here:

Western’s LGBTQIA communities:

Gender and Sexual Diversity at Western:

Western’s Indigenous communities:
• Western’s Indigenous services for students
• Western’s Indigenous learning space

Western’s Hiring Resources: Provides data for Appointments Committee (e.g. Percentage of women PhD candidates that graduate and are hired - see the gap!)

Western provides Equity training.

Western’s Response to Anti-Racism includes
• Western's Discrimination and Harrassment Policies
• Anti-Racism Working Group's Final Report