Future Undergraduate Students

Welcome to Psychology!

What is Psychology?

People who study Psychology are interested in explaining normal and abnormal behavior.


Research Clusters in Psychology

The Psychology Department at Western has a diverse group of faculty members representing four clusters of research excellence.


What is the difference between our programs?

There are six psychology programs to choose from.



Students may enter the Psychology programs after their first year at Western.


Mathematics Requirements

Students who plan to pursue an Honors Specialization or a Major module in Psychology at Western are required to successfully complete 1.0 credits (two 0.5 credit courses) in first year Mathematics at Western.


What courses should I take if I want to be a...?

Please download a list of course recommendations for students interested in careers in Education, Law and Medicine.


What is Psychology?

Are you curious about...
• Why humans and animals think and behave the way they do?
• How we learn to perceive and make sense of our physical and social world?
• Why we have a strong need to form relationships with others?
• What accounts for differences in our interpersonal styles?
• Why we experience emotions and what effects they have on the decisions we make?
• How our early life experiences influence how we think, feel, and behave as adults?
• Why some people develop mental disorders and other forms of maladjustment, and how we can help them?

...then maybe Psychology is for you

People who study Psychology are interested in explaining normal and abnormal behavior. They search for clues about why we behave the way we do in our biology, feelings, thought processes, and social experiences. Using a variety of research strategies, they seek a scientific understanding of behavior at various levels ranging from micro (brain functioning, genes, hormones, drugs) to macro (peer groups, culture).

Research clusters in Psychology

The Psychology Department at Western has a diverse group of faculty members representing four clusters of research excellence.To learn more about the clusters and the topics each cluster encompasses please visit:

What is the difference between our most popular programs (Major, Hons BA, Hons BSc, Hons BSc DCN, Minor)?

This chart shows the main similarities and differences between programs. Follow the links for more detail on when and which classes to take.

Psychology Degrees

Download a Course Prospectus (PDF format)

Psychology Major
Psychology Hons BA
Psychology Hons BSc
Psychology Hons BSc – Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Psychology Hons BA – Ivey Dual Degree program

Admission Requirements for Psychology Programs

Students may enter the Psychology programs after their first year at Western.

There is a Mathematics prerequisite for the Psychology Major and Honors Specialization modules. Students must complete 1.0 course in Mathematics during their first year at Western for admission to these programs. We recommend Mathematics 1228A/B (Finite Math) and Statistical Sciences 1024A/B (Introduction to Statistics), but 1.0 course (two 0.5 credits) from Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B, 1301A/B, 1501A/B, Linear Algebra 1600A/B, Applied Mathematics 1201A/B (the former Calculus 1201A/B) Mathematics 0110A/B, 1225A/B, 1228A/B, 1229A/B, and Statistics 1024A/B must be taken.  If Mathematics 0110A/B is selected, then either Mathematics 1228A/B or Statistical Sciences 1024A/B must be taken.  

Students need to have a Grade 12 Mathematics course (at least one of MHF4U Advanced Functions,  MCV4U Calculus and Vectors, or MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management) in order to take the 1.0 first-year university courses in Mathematics. 

Admission to the Psychology Major or Minor modules is not competitive, however admission to the Honors Specialization programs is limited and therefore competitive. From Year 1 to Year 2, admission decisions for the Psychology Honor Specialization modules are based on the average mark received in 3.0 first-year courses, including Introductory Psychology, the two math courses (please see the Official Western Calendar for the complete details). Admission to the Honors programs in subsequent years is based on the averaged mark received in the last 10.0 courses (Introductory Psychology and the math courses must have been completed, and if a student wants to enter a Psychology Honors Specialization B.Sc., there are additional first year university science courses - see calendar).  However, because these are limited enrollment programs, the minimum average for entry as listed in the Western Calendar (75%) is not sufficient.  The current cut-off average for the Psychology Honors Specialization modules is 80%.  Once a student is in an Honors Specialization module they must maintain a minimum modular average of 75% to progress in the Honors Specialization programs.

A mark of 60% or higher in Introductory Psychology is required for admission to and progression in the Psychology Major and Minor programs. 

Mathematics Requirements

Students who plan to pursue an Honors Specialization or a Major module in Psychology at Western are required to successfully complete 1.0 credits (two 0.5 credit courses) in first year Mathematics at Western. For the Honors Specialization modules, students must obtain a minimum of 60% in their first year Math to be eligible for entry. For the Major module, students also need the first year Math requirement, but may declare the Psychology Major without having yet done the 1.0 Math credit. However, Major students should complete it as soon as possible, as the Math is a prerequisite for important Psychology Major module courses.

Students have the option of selecting from among a number of Math courses outlined. The recommended combination of courses is Mathematics 1228A/B and Statistical Sciences 1024A/B.

All of these Western math courses have certain high school prerequisites. Generally speaking, students who have successfully completed at least ONE of the following Ontario high school math courses will be able to register for most of these university courses:

MCV4U Calculus and Vectors or MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management or MHF4U Advanced Functions

NOTE: Students who have not completed any of the above but have successfully completed MCF3M Functions or MCR3U Functions and Relations, should register for Mathematics 0110 A/B or Mathematics 1229 A/B during their first term at Western. During the second term, they may register for either Mathematics 1228A/B or Statistical Sciences 1024A/B.

UWO Mathematics courses - The recommended combination for Psychology is Math 1228A/B plus Statistics 1024A/B, however a student may do any combination of two of the below listed half courses:

Mathematics 0110A/B - Introductory Calculus
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCF3M, MCR3U, or equivalent.

Mathematics 1225A/B - Methods of Calculus
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCV4U, Mathematics 011 0A/B, Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B.

Mathematics 1228A/B – Methods of Finite Mathematics
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCV4U, MHF4U, MDM4U, Mathematics 0110A/B, 1225A/B, 1229A/B.

Mathematics 1229A/B - Methods of Matrix Algebra
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCF3M, MCR3U, or equivalent.

Mathematics 1600A/B – Linear Algebra 1
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCV4U, or equivalent.

Statistical Sciences 1024A/B - Introduction to Statistics
Prerequisite(s): Grade 12U Mathematics or Mathematics 0110A/B or Mathematics 1229A/B.

Calculus 1000A/B - Calculus I
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCV4U, or Mathematics 0110A/B.

Calculus 1100A/B - Calculus I with Fundamentals
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario Secondary School MHF4U, MCV4U, or Mathematics 0110A/B.

Calculus 1301A/B - Calculus II
Prerequisite(s): A minimum mark of 55% in one of Calculus 1000A/B or 1100A/B.

Calculus 1500A/B - Calculus I for Mathematical Sciences
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Ontario secondary school MCV4U, Mathematics 0110A/B.

Calculus 1501A/B - Calculus II for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Prerequisite(s): A minimum mark of 60% in one of Calculus 1000A/B or 1100A/B.

Applied Mathematics 1201A/B - Calculus and Probability with Biological Applications
Prerequisite(s): One or more of Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B or Mathematics 1225A/B.

What Psych courses should I take if I want to be a . . .?

Please download a list of course recommendations for students interested in careers in Education, Law and Medicine.

Transfer Students-How to transfer credits towards your Western Degree

Let us answer some other questions people often ask….

Why Study Psychology?

What can I do with a Psychology degree?

Why might I want to take the BSc DCN?

Do I really need to take math?

I'm not sure if psychology is for me. If I change my mind later, can I switch into the program?

Do I really need to take stats?

Is there a co-op program?

Have more questions? See our “Planning a Career in Psychology” page.