Join the EDI Committee of Graduate Students in Psychology

The EDI Committee of Graduates in Psychology (EDI-GP) is an inclusive group of psychology graduate students who are dedicated to making positive change in the Western Psychology Department. EDI-GP advocates for the success and wellness of graduate students within the Western Psychology Department. We disseminate information regarding equity, diversity, and inclusion through these broad domains: Admissions, Academics, Culture, Research, and Teaching.

Professional Development: EDI-GP

aims to reduce and eliminate barriers that prospective students face when applying for admission to the Department of Psychology at Western University by offering support and resources throughout the application process. We also aim to increase recruiting efforts for underrepresented students by preparing undergraduate and graduates for the next steps in their education.

Academics: EDI-GP

aims to advocate for increased BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People Of Colour) representation in required readings, invited speakers, and other course materials.  We also advocate for the  recruitment of faculty members from diverse backgrounds in the department.

Culture: EDI-GP

aims to motivate graduate students to engage in EDI-related work, encourage self-reflection and personal growth, and provide opportunities for graduate students to contribute to making the departmental culture more diverse, anti-racist, equitable, and inclusive. EDI-GP also aims to cultivate a safe and inclusive environment in which all individuals may thrive, and offer supports and resources to students who experience discrimination and/or harassment.

Research: EDI-GP

aims to encourage EDI practices that can be implemented throughout the research process (e.g., recruiting diverse participants, collaborating with key stakeholders, providing equitable compensation, etc.). EDI-GP also aims to highlight EDI-related research conducted by current Western graduate students, faculty, and alumni.

Teaching: EDI-GP

aims to curate resources and create programming intended to redesign undergraduate course curriculums to more directly address how racism, colonialism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of prejudice and discrimination based on group membership have impacted various fields of psychology. EDI-GP also aims to create resources and programming for graduate students and faculty to apply and integrate EDI principles into their course organization and policies.


EDI-GP is open to discussing and changing the system of oppression that many people experience, including Black, Indigenous, and people of colour, the LGBTQ+ community, and people with visible and invisible disabilities. We have come to understand this from various points of view. Our lived experiences and/or our growing expertise in psychology help us recognize the fundamental intersectionality of reality. We believe dismantling inequality is possible through anti-racism, purposeful inclusion, and equity. 

We are committed to uplifting and listening to marginalized voices with humility and compassion.We believe that change is possible through action. And, we are committed to holding ourselves and each other accountable throughout our personal and collective journeys toward a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive world. 

We currently have several projects underway. If you’re interested in working on an existing project or leading a new project idea, we invite you to join us! There is much work to be done! 

To join EDI-GP, please review what we expect from our members in our Membership Commitment  page and fill out this short survey about who you are and your interest in EDI. For any questions or for further information, you may reach us at



Anti-Racism is defined as the work of actively opposing racism by advocating for changes in political, economic, and social life. Anti-racism tends to be an individualized approach and set up in opposition to individual racist behaviors and impacts. —Racial Equity Tools

Equality has to do with giving everyone the exact same resources. 

Equity involves distributing resources based on the needs of the recipients. —Ellen Gutoskey 

Diversity refers to observable and non-observable traits that differentiate group members, such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, culture, and cognitive characteristics. When we focus on diversity, we must also focus on inclusivity - Quinetta M. Roberson (2006) 

Inclusivity emphasizes “the extent to which individuals can access information and resources, are involved in work groups, and have the ability to influence decision-making processes” -  Barak and Cherin (1998) as cited by Roberson (2006). 

Intersectionality, according Kimberlé Crenshaw, who coined the term, “is a lens through which you can see where power comes and collides, where it interlocks and intersects.” It has also been defined as “a framework designed to explore the dynamic between co-existing identities (e.g. woman, Black) and connected systems of oppression (e.g. patriarchy, white supremacy)” by Black feminists at Sister Outrider." —Ebonye Gussine Wilkins, Phoenix and Pattynama (2006) 

Marginalized voices include: Black, brown, Indigenous, Latinx, and all folks of colour; trans, queer, femme, masc, and nonbinary people; people with disabilities of all kinds; people who have been harmed by the mental health system or psychiatric industrial complex; people who experience classism, poverty, and houselessness; and all the complex intersections of identity.