Awards and Achievements


Name Award/Achivement
Dr. Ken McRae Fellow The Cognitive Science Society
Dr. Jessica Grahn Royal Society of Canada, Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Dr. Daniel Ansari Canada Research Chair in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience & Learning (Tier I)
Dr. David Sherry Doris Huestis Speirs Award from the Society of Canadian Ornithologists
Dr. William Fisher - Award for Application of Personality and Social Psychology from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology
- Alfred C. Kinsey Distinguished Researcher Award from the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University
Dr. Paul Minda Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Faculty of Social Science, Western University
Dr. David Dozois CPA Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Profession, Canadian Psychological Association


Name Award/Achievement
Dr. Andrew Pruszynski Stevenson Award (Canadian Physiological Society)
Dr. David Sherry Distinguished University Professor
Dr. Daniel Ansari Fellow, Child & Brain Development Program, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
Dr. Adrian Owen Order of the British Empire


Name Award/Achievement
Dr. Lindsay Bodell APS Rising Star Award
Dr. Don Saklofske Scientific Award: Outstanding Contributions to the Research Advancement of Intelligence, Personality, and Individual Differences. Presented at Second International Conference: Healthier societies fostering healthy organizations. University of Florence.
Dr. Laura Batterink APS Rising Star Award
Dr. David Dozois Dean’s Excellence Award, Faculty of Social Science, Western University
Dr. Mel Goodale Member, Society of Experimental Psychologists (elected)
Dr. Ryan Stevenson - Early Researcher Award
- Early Career Alumni Award (Indiana University)
Dr. Daniel Ansari - Marion Welchman International Award, British Dyslexia Association
- Jacobs Foundation Advanced Research Fellowship (2018-2020)
Dr. Andrew Pruszynski - Early Career Award, Society for the Neural Control of Movement
- Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (Junior Faculty), Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University
Dr. Paul Gribble - NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) operating grant


Name Award/Achievement
Molly Henry APS Rising Star
Dr. Jessica Grahn APS Fellow
Dr. Don Saklofske Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology


Name Award/Achievement
Dr. Mike Atkinson
Shelley Cross-Mellor
Mark Holden
Dr. Albert Katz
Dr. Paul Minda
Dr. Don Saklofske
Dr. David Sherry
Alexandra Twyman
Dr. Lynne Zarbatany
USC Teaching Honor Roll
Dr. Don Saklofske Honorary Member for Life, Educational & School Psychology Section, Canadian Psychological Association
Dr. Holden
Dr. Vernon
"Top 5" of Western's 2,378 Instructors based on "Rate My Professor"
Dr. David Sherry Dean's Excellence Award for Teaching
Dr. Jessica Grahn - Faculty Scholar
- NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award
Dr. Mel Goodale Ivey Fellow, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (appointed)




Dr. John Meyer Fellowship: Association for Psychological Science
Dr. David Dozois - Fellow, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
- Fellow, Canadian Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies
Dr. Ryan Stevenson International Society for Autism Research Early Investigator Award
Dr. Paul Gribble Faculty Scholar Award
Ian Lyons APS Rising Star
Dianne McCormack Western Award of Excellence
Dr. Daniel Ansari - NSERC Steacie Fellowship
- APS Fellow
- Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year Award, Western University




Dr. David Dozois Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association
Dr. Elizabeth Hayden APS Fellow
Dr. John Meyer Fellowship: International Association for Applied Psychology
Dr. Daniel Ansari - Member, College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, Royal Society of Canada
- Marie Curie Visiting Professor, Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development, Birkbeck College, UK
Dr. Stefan Köhler Faculty Scholar Award
Dr. Mel Goodale Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology, UK (elected)
Dr. Marc Joanisse Faculty Scholar Award
Dr. Jessica Grahn - James S. McDonnell Foundation: 2014 Scholar Award
- CIHR New Investigator Award




Dr. Elizabeth Hampson NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award
Dr. Paul Frewen APA Early Career Award
Hayden Woodley

Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence (Master's Thesis)

Helen Lee

Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence (Master's Thesis)

Rachel Rabi

Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence (Master's Thesis)

Matthew Maxwel-Smith

Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence (Master's Thesis)

Erin Ross

Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence (Doctoral Thesis)

Ian Holloway

Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Academic Excellence (Doctoral Thesis)

Dr. Adrian Owen Hellmuth Prize for Achievement in Research
Dr. Mel Goodale - Elected a Fellow of The Royal Society
- Researcher of the Month (Canadians for Health Research)
Dr. Stefan Köhler Alzheimer Foundation Grant
Caroline Strang Western 3-Minute Thesis Competition
Dr. Elizabeth Hayden Faculty Scholar Award
Dr. Scott MacDougall-Shackleton and
Dr. David Sherry
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) grant

Stephanie Montgomery-Graham

Canadian Psychological Association Foundation Grant





Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award

Dr. Jody Culham

Appointed to board of eLife biomedical journal

Psychology Department

Western's Department of Psychology 50th in world rankings

Dr. Daniel Ansari

- Transforming Education through Neuroscience Award, IMBES & L&B
- Canada Research Chair in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (Tier II) Renewal

Michael Barnett-Cowan

Banting Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Celia Goffin

McClelland Award (most outstanding thesis of the year)

Tara Morley

LRPA Award for Outstanding Contribution by a Psychology Student

Dr. Jessica Grahn

Early Researcher Award

Livia Veselka

Anna Anastasi Award

Dr. Richard Neufeld

Dr. Richard Neufeld on the list of the Top 11 academically productive male clinical psychology professors in Canada

Dr. John Meyer

Hellmuth Prize for Achievement in Research

Matthew Shanahan

Richard A. Harshman Scholarship

Stephanie Bugden

Marilyn (Pack) McClelland Award in Psychology

Kazunaga Matsuki

G. Keith Humphrey Memorial Award

Joseph Choi

Douglas N. Jackson Memorial Award

Tram Nguyen

Reva Gerstein Felllowship for Masters Study in Psychology

Tram Nguyen

Ralph S. Devereux Award in Psychology

Sarah Stanton

Leola E. Neal Award

Livia Veselka

H. J. Eysenck Memorial Fund’s Award

Dr. Jessica Grahn

CFI grant to study links between music, the brain and how we move

Claire Salisbury

IGH (Institute of Gender and Health) Award for Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research by the CIHR





Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award

Gavin Buckingham

Banting Fellowship

Justin Feeney

John C. Flanagan Award

Katie Kryski

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

Dr. Marla Wolf

Angela Armitt Award for Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty

Dr. Vicki Esses

Harold Crabtree Foundation Award in Public Policy

Caroline Bennett-AbuAyyash

Harold Crabtree Foundation Award in Public Policy

Dr. Daniel Ansari

Boyd McAndless Award

Dr. Daniel Ansari

Faculty Scholar Award

Dr. Jody Culham

NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship

Dr. Marc Joanisse

NSERC Accelerator Supplements Program Award

Dr. Scott MacDougall-Shackleton

NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award

Dr. William Fisher

Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality

Haitao Yang

2011 Western Award of Excellence

Robert D. Hare (PhD Graduate)

Member of the Order of Canada





Peter Jaffe

Order of Canada

Livia Veselka

Certificate of Teaching Excellence (Council of Canadian Departments of Psychology)

Matthew Maxwel-Smith

Certificate of Teaching Excellence (Council of Canadian Departments of Psychology)

Dr. Mel Goodale

Fellow, Association for Psychological Science

Dr. Vicki Esses

Faculty Scholar Award

Dr. Rod Martin

University Students’ Council Teaching Award of Excellence

Dr. Jody Culham

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada) E. W. R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship

Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award

Dr. Mike Atkinson

University Students' Council 2008-2009 Teaching Honour Roll


Dr. Shelley Cross-Mellor

Dr. Peter Hoaken

Dr. Albert Katz

Dr. Gary Rollman

Dr. David Sherry

Dr. Mary Lou Vernon

Dr. Tony Vernon





Dr. Lorne Campbell

Elected a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology

Dr. David Dozois

- Psychology Service Provider of the Year, London Regional Psychological Association
- Fellow, Section on Clinical Psychology, Canadian Psychological Association
- The John Dewan Prize

Dr. Elizabeth Hayden

Early Researcher Award

Dr. Vicki Esses

- 2009 Distinguished Service to SPSSI (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues) Award
- Community-University Research Alliance Program (SSHRC)

Dr. Jim Neufeld

Elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

CIHR/IGH Senior Career Research Chair

Ian Holloway

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

Ben Bowles

Brain Star Prize (CIHR)

Pralle Kriengwatana

2nd place in the SOGS Western Research Forum

Aimee Coulombe

2008 OPA Public Education Award

Vanessa Hamill

Vivien Lee

Patricia Jordan

Agnes Massak

Erin Ross

Alex McIntyre-Smith

Kathryn Turnbull

Francois Botha

Lyndsay Evraire

Naomi Gryfe

Megan Hancock

Sol Rovillard

Katie Kryski

Tara Morley

Kathleen O’Connor

Pamela Seeds

Matthew Shanahan

Juliana Tobon

Ya Xue

Dr. Scott MacDougall-Shackleton

Faculty Scholar Award University of Western Ontario

Dr. Daniel Ansari

Early Career Research Contributions Award Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

Dr. William Fisher

University of Western Ontario Students Council Teaching Honor Roll

Dr. Natalie Allen

Fellow, Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology

Dr. Jody Culham

Senior Fellowship, University of Bologna





Dr. Daniel Ansari

USC Teaching Honor Roll

Dr. Mike Atkinson

Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

Dr. Rod Martin

Dr. Harry Murray

Dr. Tony Vernon

Bethany Butzer

The 10th Annual Martin E.P. Seligman Award for Outstanding Dissertation Research in Positive Psychology

Agnes Massak

London Regional Psychological Association (LRPA) Award for an "Outstanding Contribution by a Psychology Student"

Rachel Lechcier-Kimel

GSTA Award

Matthew Shanahan

GSTA Award

Dr. Scott MacDougall-Shackleton

- One of NSERC’s one hundred 2008 Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS)
- Premier’s Research Excellence Award Province of Ontario

Dr. William Fisher

- Distinguished University Professorship Award
- Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences

Dr. Jody Culham

Faculty Scholar Award

Dr. Daniel Ansari

- Ontario Research Fund Award
- Research Award of the German Association for Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
- NeuroImage: Systems Neuroscience Editors Choice Award (jointly)

Dr. Mel Goodale

Richard C. Tees Award for Distinguished Leadership (CSBBCS)

Dr. Lorne Campbell

Donald D. Harrington Faculty Fellowship Award
( )

Dr. Rod Martin

Doug Fletcher Lifetime Achievement Award, Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor





Dr. Natalie Allen

Distinguished Contributions to I-O Psychology in Canada Award

Dr. John Meyer

Distinguished Contributions to I-O Psychology in Canada Award

Laurie Bertrand

McClelland Award (most outstanding thesis of the year)

Megan Johnston

Clark and Mary Wright Scholorship

Talia Troister

Psych 385 f/g

Stephanie Reid

Linda Smith-Holbert Award

Dr. Daniel Ansari

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair Award

Dr. Mel Goodale

Allen L. Edwards Lecture, University of Washington, Seattle

Dr. Bill Roberts

NSERC's inaugural list of of the Top 50 Discoveries for 2006 (publication)

Krista Macpherson

NSERC's inaugural list of of the Top 50 Discoveries for 2006 (publication)

Dr. Derrick MacFabe and the Autism Research Group

NSERC's inaugural list of of the Top 50 Discoveries for 2006 (publication)

Dr. William Fisher

Hellmuth Prize for Scientific Achievement

Dr. William Fisher

Aesculapius Award for Excellence in Health Communication, Health Institute

Dr. Mel Goodale

Distinguished University Professor Award

Dr. Scott MacDougall-Shackleton

Faculty Scholar Award

Dr. Daniel Ansari

Canada Research Chair (Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience), Tier II Award

Sheri Madigan

CIHR Brain Star Award

Dr. Susan Pepper

Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching

Dr. Susan Pepper

Western Psychology Association Professor of the Year Award

Dr. Susan Pepper

Teaching Honour Roll Award of excellence from the University Students Council

Dr. Mary J. Wright

YMCA London Women of Excellence Award

Dr. Scott MacDougall-Shackleton

CFI grant

Dr. David Sherry

CFI grant

Western's Department of Psychology

Third place ranking among medical/doctoral Canadian Universities according to a recently released report issued by Research Infosource

Dr. Lorne Campbell

Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Relationship Researchers Interest Group Close Relationships Early Career Award

Dr. Rod Martin

Annual Book Award, Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor

Dr. Jody Culham

UWO Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research in the Team category, CIHR Group on Action and Perception





Dr. Lorne Campbell

- The 2007 Early Career Award by the Relationship Researchers Interest Group (RRIG)
- Nominated and received membership in the Society of Experimental Social Psychology

Dr. John Meyer

- Fellowship: American Psychological Association
- Fellowship: Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Dr. Stefan Köhler

Grant from the Academic Development Fund (ADF) at the University of Western Ontario

Dr. Bruce Morton

Dr. Elizabeth Hayden

Young Investigator Award from National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD)

Dr. Lorne Campbell


Dr. Mel Goodale

The British Psychological Society Book Award

Mel Goodale

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Award

Brian Corneil

Jody Culham

Stefan Everling

Paul Gribble

Stefan Köhler

Tutis Vilis

Dr. David Dozois

National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD) Young Investigator Award

Dr. Mike Atkinson

Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching

Dr. Stefan Köhler

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) operating grant





Dr. Lorne Campbell

University Student Centre's (USC) Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence

Dr. Daniel Ansari

- Junior Faculty Fellowship, Dartmouth College
- Schloessmann Award, Max-Planck Society, Germany
- Rockefeller Centre Scholar, Rockefeller Centre, Dartmouth College

Dr. William Fisher

United Nations World Summit Award, for the best e-health website e-health websites in the world for (core founder group and core contributor)

Dr. Natalie Allen

Teaching Honour Role Award of Excellence University Students’ Council

Dr. David Dozois

Faculty Scholar Award





Dr. David Dozois

Fellow, Academy of Cognitive Therapy

Dr. Greg Moran

Bowlby-Ainsworth Award: Centre for Mental Health Promotion and the New York Attachment Symposium for singular contributions to attachment theory and research

Dr. David Pederson

Bowlby-Ainsworth Award: Centre for Mental Health Promotion and the New York Attachment Symposium for singular contributions to attachment theory and research





Dr. Paul Gribble

Ontario Premier’s Research Excellence Award

Dr. David Dozois

- University Students Council Teaching Honour Roll Award of Excellence, University of Western Ontario
- Western Psychology Association, Professor of the Year
- Canadian Psychological Association, Presidents New Researcher Award

Dr. Mel Goodale

Honorary Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Durham

Dr. William Fisher

University of Western Ontario First Year Medical Student Class "Best Curriculum on Earth" Award

Dr. Jody Culham

- Canadian Institutes of Health Research New Investigator Award
- Ontario Premier’s Research Excellence Award





Dr. Paul Gribble

CIHR New Investigator Award

Dr. Daniel Ansari

Bogue Research Fellowship, University College London

Dr. Natalie Allen

Visiting Research Fellowship, The British Academy





Dr. Mel Goodale

- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
- Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Visual Neuroscience

Dr. David Dozois

Canadian Institutes of Health Research: Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA) Brain Star Award

Dr. Natalie Allen

- Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association
- Best Paper Award (co-winner) Australian Industrial /Organizational Psychology Conference





Dr. Lorne Campbell

American Psychological Association (APA) Dissertation Research Award

Dr. Mel Goodale

- Alkek Lecture in Neuroscience, Rice University
- Helmholtz Lecture, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
- Chair’s Invited Plenary Lecture, British Neuropsychological Society, London, England





Dr. William Fisher

University of Western Ontario Students Council Teaching Honor Roll

Dr. Mel Goodale

- Distinguished Lecturer in Psychology, University of Alberta
- Donald O. Hebb Distinguished Contribution Award (CSBBCS)
- Cornelius Wiersma Visiting Professor of Biology, Caltech

Dr. Rick Goffin

Best Paper Award, Human Resources Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Co-winner)



Name Award/Achievement
Dr. John Meyer Fellowship: Canadian Psychological Association





Dr. Natalie Allen and Dr. John Meyer

Choice Magazine Academic Book of Year Award for 1997: Meyer, J. P. and Allen, N. J. "Commitment Workplace: Theory Research and Application"





Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

OMHF New Faculty Research Fellowship Award

Dr. Jim Neufeld

Charter Member: American Board of Assessment Psychology, Fellow: American Academy of Assessment Psychology

Dr. Mel Goodale

Edward G. Pleva Award for Excellence in Teaching





Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

OMHF New Faculty Research Fellowship Award

Dr. Jim Neufeld

Mentor: Best Dissertation in Clinical Psychology published in 1993  (APA, Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology)

Dr. William Fisher

Winner, International Film and Video Festival "Just Like Us" A 39 min. documentary interviews with 5 young heterosexual men and women and 1 young homosexual man who contracted HIV/AIDS at a young age via sexual contact. (Co-Director and Co-Producer)

Dr. William Fisher

Bronze Medal, Columbus International Film and Video Festival "Just Like Us" A 39 min. documentary interviews with 5 young heterosexual men and women and 1 young homosexual man who contracted HIV/AIDS at a young age via sexual contact. (Co-Director and Co-Producer)

Dr. William Fisher

Finalist International Health and Medical Film Festival "Just Like Us" A 39 min. documentary interviews with 5 young heterosexual men and women and 1 young homosexual man who contracted HIV/AIDS at a young age via sexual contact. (Co-Director and Co-Producer)

Dr. William Fisher

Finalist, National Council on Family Relations "Just Like Us" A 39 min. documentary interviews with 5 young heterosexual men and women and 1 young homosexual man who contracted HIV/AIDS at a young age via sexual contact. (Fisher, W.A., Co-Director and Co-Producer)





Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

OMHF New Faculty Research Fellowship Award

Dr. Jim Neufeld

Joey and Toby Tannenbaum Distinguished-Scientist Award in Schizophrenia Research (1992; second recipient/first psychologist recipient)

Dr. Vicki Esses

Otto Klineberg Intercultural and International Relations Award

Dr. J.P. Rushton

Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degree conferred by the University of London

Dr. Rick Goffin

Honorable mention in APA Division Five Dissertation Award competition





Dr. Jim Neufeld

UWO Faculty of Social Science Research Professorship

Dr. William Fisher

Awards for Excellence in Teaching Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations

Dr. William Fisher

Awards for Excellence in Teaching University of Western Ontario

Dr. J.P. Rushton

Fellow, American Psychological Society

Dr. Elizabeth Hampson

Curt P. Richter Prize, International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (one award given internationally each year to recognize outstanding research achievement in the field of neuroendocrinology)





Dr. J.P. Rushton

Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

Dr. J.P. Rushton

Fellow: American Association for the Advancement of Science





Dr. William Fisher

- Fellow, Society of Experimental Social Psychology
- Fellow, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality





Dr. J.P. Rushton

Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association





Dr. Jim Neufeld

Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association





Dr. William Fisher

Awards for Excellence in Teaching Department of Psychology University of Western Ontario

Dr. J.P. Rushton

- Fellow, American Psychological Association
- Fellow, British Psychological Society


Award Nominations

2012 Western Award of Excellence:
Daniella Chirila

Advocacy Through Action: Students Bringing Psychology to our Community" (AtoA) one of the three finalists for the Pillar Community Innovation 2009 award

2009 Western Award of Excellence:
John Cesarini
Steve Bamford
Rick Cornwall
Jim Ladich
Davor Linkes

2008 Western Award of Excellence:
Daniella Chirila
Faith Hennessy
University Laboratory Labschool Staff

2007 Western Award of Excellence:
Lynne Mitchell

