(Reverse chronological order)
- Harshman,
R. A. Multimode methods, tensors, and 'truth'. Paper presented at IMPS
2007, the Sixteenth International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2007. (invited)Summary
Parafac (PARAllel FACtor analysis) generalizes
Factor/Component Analysis (FCA) by increasing the level of
multilinearity. Certain useful properties that this creates have led,
in the last decade, to a rapid expansion of Parafac applications in
various areas of science and engineering. This talk briefly explains
what some of these properties are, why they have been considered
important, and then considers how increasing the multilinear level of
other analysis methods can give them similarly useful added properties.
I. Parafac raises the multilinear order of the
factor/component model from bilinear to trilinear or n-linear. It fits
data arrays with three (or more) subscripts, such as measurements of n
cases on m variables on each of p occasions, or correlations among n
variables for p different groups. This extends the scope of the model
and integrates information from multiple sources to provide stronger
statistical estimates, but its most important consequence is a
potential for full model identification. With three-mode and higher-way
models, it is possible to get essentially unique factor loading
estimates simply by maximizing the model's fit to a dataset -- provided
the factor variations have appropriate structure and are adequately
distinct. This means that a mixture of outer-product patterns can be
correctly resolved into the individual contributions generated by the
original sources of variation, without 'rotational ambiguity'. This is
why Parafac is increasingly used in applications where the 'truth' of
the recovered factors is both essential and objectively verifiable,
e.g., separation of the complex spectrum from a physical mixture of
chemicals into the spectra of the individual compounds in the mixture,
correct 'blind separation' of mixed telecommunications or radar
signals, image analysis, etc.
II. Other statistical methods can be generalized in a similar
way, and acquire similarly enhanced model identifiablity and pattern
recovery. This has been demonstrated with canonical correlation and
hence the GLM, and with some kinds of Structural Equation Modeling.
Basically, a traditional method that finds an optimal linear
combination across one index of a two-way data array (combining columns
of data), can be generalized to one that finds a linear combination
jointly-optimal across two (or more) indices of a three- (or
higher)-way array. The figure below shows how the General Linear Model
(left) is modified to increase the multilinear order of its source data
(X) and canonical weights (W). This generalization implies
corresponding generalization of the various special cases of the GLM,
such as Discriminant Analysis, (M)ANOVA /(M)ANCOVA, etc. Significance
tests can be performed by bootstrapping and permutation methods. As
with Parafac, model identification is often made easier, and requires
fewer artificial constraints. In the generalized canonical model, for
example, axes corresponding to 'true' (empirical-source) patterns can
sometimes be recovered uniquely in the left and right canonical spaces,
and without orthogonality constraints. A further generalization of CC
replaces the canonical vectors with canonical tensors of order 2 or
higher. Not all issues have been resolved, however, and many of these
methods are still under study and development.
III. Tensors and multilinear algebra form the natural basis
for these methods. One way to visualize a tensor is as a long vector in
a higher-dimensional 'product space' generated by interaction of the
lower dimensional spaces in several modes. An alternative way is as a
'hyper-vector' whose components are themselves vectors or even tensors.
While the components have multiple subscripts, the component values
recombine under a change of basis just as do components or projections
of a simple vector. Tensors can be powerful psychometric tools for
compact description of psychological properties or processes that have
richer behavior than single vectors; just as they now represent
multi-vector physical properties like stress inside a twisted medium or
IV. All these multilinear statistical models (e.g., Parafac,
multilinear SEM or multilinear regression) can be considered neutral
with respect to the distinction between "component-like" analysis,
which considers all the variance, and "common-factor-like" analysis,
which considers only variance shared among variables. A new method of
array "filtering" has been developed which allows any model that is
directly fit to a data array to (optionally) be fit only to its
common-factor variance.
- Harshman, R. A. Two successful and two
problematic applications of Parallel Factor Analysis (Parafac) in
Psychology. Paper presented at IMPS 2007, the Sixteenth International
Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Tokyo, Japan, July, 2007. (invited)Summary
Two successful applications show how Parallel Factor
Analysis (Parafac) can provide information not obtainable with FA/PCA.
Then, two less successful applications show that Parafac is not always
appropriate and requires more careful and insightful use than PCA.
Example 1, Confirmatory-Exploratory FA: In an earlier study of
the cross-cultural generality of personality dimensions, the Jackson
PRF and Paunonen's NPQ were administered in 8+ countries and their
two-way factor solutions were compared. A reanalysis using Parafac and
Parafac2 obtained a single set of factors for all eight countries plus
differential weights for each country. These factors are unique (fully
identified) without rotation. In the 5D and 6D solutions, some resemble
members of the 'Big 5' while others do not but are fully interpretible.
Example 2, A true Experiment. To resolve a longstanding debate
about the axes of 2D 'emotion space', D. Stanley showed participants 25
movie scenes, selected to elicit various emotions, and after each scene
participants rated their mood on 32 scales.These ratings were analyzed
by Parafac to determine the directions that emotion space was stretched
and contracted by the films. The results supported 'Valence-Arousal'
against 'NA-PA' with high statistical significance (based on
Problem Examples: Analyses of semantic
differential and TV ratings show how Parafac behaves when it is
inappropriate. Other Examples: The broad usefulness of Parafac and
Parafac2 is indicated by numerous applications in Chemometrics, signal
analysis (telecommunication and radar), brain imaging, phonetics, and
- Harshman,
R. A., & Lundy, M. E. A randomization method of obtaining valid
p-values for model changes selected "post hoc". Poster presented at the
Seventy-first Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Montreal, Canada, June, 2006.
View .pdf file (99 KB, 11 pp)
When model changes are guided by post hoc
assessment of the observed improvements in prediction or fit (e.g., in
stepwise regression), it is usually impossible to obtain p-values for
these improvements by conventional analytical methods. We describe a
computer-intensive alternative that accurately estimates these p-values
by using a modified randomization/permutation test procedure that
empirically determines the appropriate null distributions. To
demonstrate the method, we use it to get valid p-values for step
inprovements found during standard stepwise multiple regression. Our
method corrects for bias caused by the increased 'capitalization on
chance' intrinsic to post hoc variable selection; it does this by
introducing an equivalent post hoc selection step into the process
generating the null-hypothesis values. The method also corrects for an
"inconsistency" bias by eliminating or "pruning out" permutated cases
that are inconsistent with prior step results; without such pruning,
the method would underestimate significance except on the first step.
In a Monte Carlo sample of one million cases, the p-values estimated
for fit improvements during a three-step stepwise multiple regression
did not show a statistically detectable bias at any step. Potential
applications include significance tests for more complex sequential
methods, stepwise canonical correlation/MANOVA, and discriminant
- Harshman, R. A. Generalization of Parafac and Tucker models to canonical correlation models. Paper presented at TRICAP 2006, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Crete, Greece, 2006.
Tucker and Parafac are methods of �internal
relationship analysis�: they find patterns of relations within a single
dataset. However, statistical data analysis also uses �external
relationship analysis�. External analysis methods find relationships
between patterns in one dataset and those in another, or between
patterns in a dataset and those in a theoretical logical structure or
``design matrix''. Bro and others have introduced external analysis
into the three-way domain by deriving n-way extensions of PLS
regression. I have stumbled upon an alternative approach, one that
extends the symmetric relation of (canonical) correlation. Canonical
correlation finds weights for an optimal linear combination of the
columns of one matrix, and weights for an optimal linear combination of
the columns of another matrix (the �other side� of the relation) such
that the two vectors they define have maximal correlation. This is then
repeated for vectors orthogonal to the first set, to get added
dimensions of correlation between the two matrices. In statistics,
canonical correlation is used to define the General Linear Model (GLM).
By choice of arguments supplied to the GLM, one can obtain special
cases that encompass a wide range of standard statistical techniques,
including Univariate and Multivariate Analysis of Variance and
Covariance, Discriminant Analysis, Multiple Regression, analysis of
counts and contingency tables, and even the simplest �special case�,
group comparisons via the t-test. I will describe an �external
analysis� analog of Tucker T3, called TUCCON, and a Parafac-like
special case of it called PARACCON, which provide multilinear
generalizations of canonical correlation and thus of the GLM. This
directly leads to multi-way versions of all the GLM�s
``special-cases'', often providing the added benefits for these methods
that multiway generalization gives to Factor Analysis. For example:
when, on either side of the canonical relation, there is a higher-way
array in which the relevant patterns have a unique Parafac
decomposition, then there also be a unique decomposition of the
dimensions defining the �external relations'' between the two sides
(i.e., of the �canonical space� on each side). Also, the source for
patterns on each side of a canonical relation can now involve more than
one dataset per side, allowing an outer-product synthesis of patterns
from several sources on one side to be related to, say, the
outer-product patterns in a single higher-way array on the other.
Estimation of the parameters for TUCCON and PARACCON is often possible
using familiar methods like Alternating Least Squares or Paatero�s
Multilinear Engine. [ I will sometimes need to use the array notation
AIN described in an earlier TRICAP meeting and published in the ``Index
Formalism...'' article in Journal of Chemometrics. Interested
colleagues are encouraged to gain some advance familiarity with this
notation �downloadable from
here. ]
- Bader, B. W., Harshman, R. A., &
Kolda, T. G. Improvements to three-way DEDICOM for applications in
social network analysis. Paper presented at TRICAP 2006, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Crete, Greece, 2006.
This presentation revisits the DEDICOM (DEcomposition
into Directional COMponents) family of models and applies them to new
applications in data mining, in particular social network analysis. The
DEDICOM model is a tool developed in the late 1970's for analyzing
asymmetric relationships in data analysis and has been revisited in the
multiway community over the years. In this work we present an improved
algorithm for computing the 3-way DEDICOM model, including
modifications that make it possible to handle large, sparse data
matrices. Then we will demonstrate the capabilities of DEDICOM as a new
tool in social network analysis. For an application we consider the
email communications of former Enron employees that were made public,
and posted to the web, by the U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
during its investigation of Enron. We represent the Enron email network
as a directed graph with edges labeled by time and construct its
corresponding adjacency tensor. Using the three-way DEDICOM model on
this data, we show unique latent relationships that exist between types
of employees and study their communication patterns over time.
- Harshman, R. A. Generalizing factor
analysis and canonical correlation to three-way arrays increases their
ability to disentangle information. Poster presented at the
Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada, London, Canada, May, 2006.
View .pdf file, no equations (53 KB, 4 pp)
View .pdf file, with equations (69 KB, 3 pp)
Data analysis is often improved when stronger models are applied to
stronger data. We discuss one way of strengthening both: generalizing
outer-product models from two-way (matrix) to three-way (array) form,
and then applying them to datasets such as objects x variables x
occasions, or multiple covariance matrices. Often, the three-way
decomposition is 'essentially unique' without imposing orthogonality
(or any other) constraints, eliminating rotational indeterminacies.
Consequently, with appropriate data, one can recover, and/or relate
across two arrays, approximations of the source patterns that
originally generated the covariation, enabling new scientific
applications (e.g., see Google: parafac). Three-way PCA/factor analysis
by PARAFAC and canonical analysis by PARACCON (still under development)
are discussed.
- Harshman, R. A., & Lundy, M. E.
Valid p-values for stepwise regression and other post-hoc model
selection methods. Poster presented at the Thirty-fourth Annual Meeting
of the Statistical Society of Canada, London, Canada, May, 2006.
View .pdf file (89 KB, 8 pp)
When a model modification is selected using post-hoc information (e.g.,
in stepwise regression) it is hard to determine the statistical
significance of the resulting improvement. We describe a
computer-intensive method that empirically approximates the
improvement's null distribution using permutation-test methods combined
with "null-set pruning" (elimination of cases inconsistent with prior
step results or other dataset characteristics). Monte Carlo tests
indicate that un-pruned randomization gives unbiased p-values for
post-hoc step 1, but biased ones thereafter; pruned randomization gives
apparently unbiased p-values for successive steps as well (within the
confidence bounds of our Monte Carlo test). Applications include
complex sequential methods and stepwise canonical correlation/MANOVA.
- Harshman,
R. A. Multilinear generalization of the General Linear Model. Paper
presented at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
(CIRM) Workshop on Tensor Decompositions and Applications, Marseilles, France, August, 2005.Summary
statistics and data analysis there are two broad classes of methods:
(i) ``internal relationship analysis'' methods like factor, component,
and cluster analysis, which find patterns of relations within a single
dataset and (ii) ``external relationship analysis'' methods that find
relationships between patterns in one dataset and those in another, or
between patterns in a dataset and those in a hypothesized logical
structure or ``design matrix''. Canonical Correlation is the method
used to test statements of ``external'' relations formulated in terms
of the General Linear Model in statistics. By choice of arguments
supplied to this method one can test ``special cases'' that encompass a
wide range of standard statistical techniques including Univariate and
Multivariate Analysis of Variance and Covariance, Discriminant
Analysis, Multiple Regression, analysis of counts and contingency
tables, and even simple group comparisons via the t-test. By
generalizing Canonical Correlation from assessing linear relations
between two matrices to assessing multilinear relations among N arrays
of various orders, it becomes possible to formulate tensor-based
generalizations of its many ``special-cases'', thereby open up new
dimensions of ``external analysis''. We have recently seen how the
extension of ``internal'' methods for factor and component analysis
into higher orders by models like Parafac and Tucker can enrich and
strengthen their capabilities. It now seems possible to achieve a
considerably more fundamental and powerful expansion of statistical
concepts and capabilities by extending the ``external analysis''
methods from linear to multilinear relationships. For example,
multilinear regression can uncover more meaningful ``external
relations'' that sort out dimensions of latent-structure in the linking
patterns. Another multilinear method of regression uncovers
relationships where Y is predicted from two or three different X
matrices simultaneously, but each X is related to a different mode of
Y. By incorporating the stronger uniqueness properties of some tensor
decompositions, one sometimes improves parameter identifiably (e.g., in
canonical correlation one can potentially eliminate the ``rotational''
ambiguity of orientation of axes in a canonical space). Because these
extensions remain conditionally linear in subsets of their parameters,
the structures they reveal are often relatively simple and/or can be
broken into simple parts, and estimation of their parameters is often
possible using familiar methods like Alternating Least Squares. [ I
will sometimes need to use the simplified tensor notation described in
the ``Index Formalism...'' article in Journal of Chemometrics, 2001,
and interested colleagues are encouraged to gain some advance
familiarity with this notation. The article can be downloaded from here. ]
- Harshman, R. A. Connections between the key properties of
tensors in physics and data analysis. Paper presented at the Centre
International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) Workshop on Tensor Decompositions and Applications, Marseilles, France, August, 2005.Summary
A key property of tensors in Physics applications like Relativity is
that a tensor describes an abstract entity or physical property in a
way that is invariant with respect to changes in coordinates. That is,
while the components of the tensor change the important abstract
relations among them don't, one merely has different ``projections'' of
the tensor-object onto a new reference frame. This gives a properly
constructed equation using tensors a special status: it describes a
general physical law or relation in a way that does not depend on a
particular choice of one's reference frame (coordinate basis in each
mode). Perhaps surprisingly, it is possible to carry over these
principles into our use of tensors in data analysis, giving rise to
interesting insights. In brief, our initial values of tensor components
- the observed data - are in a reference frame that is determined by
our measurement method(s) and circumstances. The tensor transformations
we then apply during analysis change this reference frame to a new one
in which the abstract tensor-object or objects cast ``shadows'' in the
basis space of each mode that have improved properties such as
simplicity or correspondence with causal source characteristics; these
are hypothetical measurements that might have been obtained by
alternative methods. Special transformations like PARAFAC focus on
decomposable tensors, vectors in the tensor-product space that can be
factored into vectors from the ``generating'' spaces in each mode -
sometimes providing unique solutions. Our additive tensor
decompositions are used to separate the combined ``shadows'' of a
tensor sum into those of individual tensor objects. The key tensor
property of pattern invariance and coordinate freedom not only
justifies the use of basis transformations to simplify recovered
patterns, but also could be important if we would use tensors to state
mathematically more general theoretical conclusions (in Psychology,
Chemistry, or whatever) that are not dependent on specifics of our
original choice of measurement methods. Further parallels with physics
suggest extensions of our current practice. For example, when our
change of reference frames involve coordinate transformations that are
nonorthogonal, they can create a dual-space relation among our reduced
rank bases in different modes, making the distinction (until now,
ignored) between ``covariant'' and ``contravariant'' tensors and
indices potentially meaningful and useful in our work.
- Harshman, R. A. The Parafac model and its variants. Paper
presented at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
(CIRM) Workshop on Tensor Decompositions and Applications, Marseilles, France, August, 2005. (invited)
View .pdf file (251 KB, 52 pp)
will be discussed both as a decomposition and as a model. From both
perspectives, its simplicity and its potential for uniqueness are key
properties. As a decomposition, it gives a minimal set of rank-1
components, similar to the SVD. As a model, this often turns out to be
a good way to represent the pattern generated by a small number of
source causes acting in n-way multimode data. For quite general
mathematical/theoretical reasons (to be explained), the rank-1
outer-product form is often empirically meaningful. With Parafac, the
implicit Tucker ``core'' is superdiagonal, and this independence of the
component arrays simplifies their interpretation (though sometimes it
is too restrictive). An even more important feature simplifying
interpretation is the potential uniqueness of the decomposition; this
is because Parafac uniqueness differs from that of the SVD or
eigendecomposition. When certain conditions are met, Parafac can reveal
data patterns that were actually generated by empirical sources
(providing a method of ``blind recovery'') - if the uniqueness is
determined by the latent sources of systematic variation (``deep
uniqueness'') and not the noise or systematic error (``surface
uniqueness''). Switching to a more applied perspective, data
preprocessing and ways of testing convergence and assessing the correct
number of factors when doing a Parafac analysis will also be covered.
Next, some time will be devoted to the phenomenon of degenerate
solutions, both what they are and how to avoid or overcome them. Some
of the discussion will be a summary and extension of the geometric
explanation given at the 2004 Tensor Decomposition Workshop (see that
website). I will also propose a less worrisome interpretation of the
fact that certain arrays do not have an exact best approximation at
some lower ranks. Finally, variants and generalizations of Parafac will
be considered ranging from Parafac indirect-fitting via covariances,
Parafac2, PARALIND, PARATUCK2, and the Shifted Factor model, to
alternatives and even more general multilinear and quasi-multilinear
models. Differences in the properties and flexibility of these models
(and/or decompositions) will be discussed. Finally, contrast will be
made between n-way arrays that can be regarded as tensor-like and
approximated by multilinear models like Parafac and Tucker, versus
n-way arrays that should not be regarded as tensors because their
systematic structure is known to be non-multilinear.
- Harshman, R. A. Generalization of canonical correlation to
N-way arrays. Paper presented at the Fourteenth International Meeting
of the Psychometric Society, Tilburg, The Netherlands, July, 2005.
- Harshman,
R. A. Harshman, R. A. The problem and nature of degenerate solutions or
decompositions of 3-way arrays. Paper presented at the American
Institute of Mathematics Tensor Decomposition Workshop, Palo Alto, CA, July, 2004. (invited)
View .pdf file (655 KB, 79 pp)
Supplementary information for the above paper:
Harshman, R. A. (2004). An annotated bibliography of articles on degenerate solutions or decompositions. View .pdf file (113 KB, 10 pp)
- Harshman, R. A. Significance testing cuts both ways (or
should): Claims of "no real difference" should be supported at
p<.05. Paper presented at the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academy of Science (U. S.), Washington, D. C., January, 2004. (invited)
View .pdf file (213 KB, 21 pp) - Harshman, R. A., & Hong, S. Multilinear models that include causal paths.Paper presented at TRICAP 2003, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lexington, Kentucky, June, 2003.
Familiar multilinear models, such as Tucker3 and PARAFAC, represent the
simultaneous direct action of a few latent variables on many surface
ones. Sometimes, it would be advantageous to have models that also
allow the sequential (causal) action of some latent variables on
others. This type of problem is currently addressed by means of
Structural Equation Modeling, a method formulated in terms of covarince
matrices. We present a different approach, based on direct fitting of
N-way arrays by multilinear models that incorporate a path diagram or
network. This approach can be used to extend existing models and/or to
create new ones.
- Harshman, R. A. A three-way generalization of chess. Poster presented at TRICAP 2003, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lexington, Kentucky, June, 2003.
two-way chess is a game played by 2 people on a board of black and
white squares with eight squares on each side. A three-way
generalization is proposed, played by 3 people on a board of black,
white, and red hexagonal cells, with eight cells on each player's side.
At the start of the game, each player's first rank is the same as in
two-way chess; it is protected, however, by two rows of pawns rather
than one. (These are needed because of the greater vulnerability of
pieces to attack on the hexagonal grid.) The rules of movement for the
pieces are the same as in the two-way case, but applied to a
hexagonally divided "playing space". If agreed upon at the start, each
player also has a third bishop, to move along cells of the third color.
The winning player is the one remaining after the others have been
checkmated. (A further generalization to six-way chess is also
described, which is identical except that it uses a bigger board and
has a player on each of the six edges.) Hopefully, some game boards and
sets of pieces will be available so that interested TRICAP participants
can assess the generalization and, if desired, suggest alternative
three-way models.
- Lundy, M. E., Harshman, R. A., Paatero,
P., & Swartzman, L. C. Application of the 3-way DEDICOM model to
skew-symmetric data from paired preference ratings of treatments for
chronic back pain. Poster presented at TRICAP 2003, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lexington, Kentucky, June, 2003.
A 3-way generalization of the DEDICOM model (Decomposition into
Directional COMponents) for skew-symmetric data (Harshman & Lundy,
1990) was applied to student paired preference ratings of 19 different
treatments for chronic back pain. The model fitting process was
accomplished using the Multilinear Engine program (Paatero, 1999). By
imposing various constraints on the model during the data analysis, 3
distinct preference hierarchies amongst the treatments were identified:
one amongst psychological treatments and herbal remedies, one amongst
conventional medical treatments, and one amongst complementary/
alternative (CAM) physical treatments. The direction of preference
within these hierarchies may be reversed for some people. Theoretical
and practical implications are discussed.
View .pdf file (142KB, 12 pp)
- Swartzman,
L. C., Harshman, R. A., Lundy, M. E., & Burkell, J. Multivariate
approaches to assessing "implicit models" in the domain of health and
illness. Paper presented at the Twenty-third Annual Scientific Sessions
of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, April, 2002.
- Swartzman, L. C., Harshman, R. A., Lundy,
M. E., Teasell, R. W., Burkell, J., & Chan, A. D. F. What are the
salient conceptual attributes of causes of chronic pain for
musculoskeletal pain patients? Poster presented at the Twenty-third
Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC, April, 2002.
- Hong, S., & Harshman, R. A. Parafac2
fitting of covariance matrices from pooled and nested datasets with an
adjustment for factor mean differences. Paper presented at the
International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Osaka, Japan, July, 2001.
- Swartzman, L. C., Harshman, R. A., Burkell,
J., Lundy, M. E., & Chan, A. D. F. What are the salient conceptual
attributes of causes of pain? Poster presented at the Twenty-second
Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, Washington, March, 2001.
- Harshman, R. A., Lundy, M. E., & Hong, S. Some
contributions to the search for identifiable models in two- and
three-way data analysis. Paper presented at the Seventh Conference of
the International Federation of Classification Societies, Namur, Belgium, July, 2000. (invited)
- Hong, S., & Harshman, R. A. Parafac2
fitting of covariance matrices from pooled and nested datasets with an
adjustment for factor mean differences. Paper presented at the Seventh
Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, Namur, Belgium, July, 2000.
- Harshman, R. A. A generalization of matrix notation and algebra to n-way arrays. Paper presented at TRICAP 2000, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Faaborg, Denmark, July, 2000. (invited)
- Hong, S., & Harshman, R. A. Shifted factor analysis: Algorithms and applications. Paper presented at TRICAP 2000, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Faaborg, Denmark, July, 2000.
- Swartzman, L. C., Harshman, R. A., Burkell,
J., & Power, T. E. What is the basis upon which people distinguish
between "Traditional" and "Natural" treatment approaches? Poster
presented at the Twenty-first Annual Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Nashville, Tennessee, April, 2000.
- Johnson,
A. M., MacDonald, P. L., Harshman, R. A., Vernon, P. A., &
Paunonen, S. V. Biological factor analysis: A three-way (PARAFAC)
analysis of twin data. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Behavior Genetics Society, Toronto, July, 1997.
- Bro, R., & Harshman, R. A. Constraints in multiway analysis. Paper presented at TRICAP '97, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lake Chelan, Washington, May, 1997.
- Harshman, R. A. Constrained PARAFAC and
PARATUCK3 models for genetic study of multivariate data from fraternal
vs identical twins. Poster presented at TRICAP '97, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lake Chelan, Washington, May, 1997.
- Harshman, R. A. Increasing the flexibility of three-way analysis: "Model morphing" and "elastic fitting." Paper presented at TRICAP '97, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lake Chelan, Washington, May, 1997. (invited)
- Harshman, R. A., & Lundy, M. E. An
"extended PARAFAC model" incorporating singly-subscripted constants.
Poster presented at TRICAP '97, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lake Chelan, Washington, May, 1997.
View .pdf file (200KB, 8 pp)
- Hong, S., & Harshman, R. A. Shifted-factor analysis:
Decomposing mixtures of curves into underlying components that not only
change in size but also shift along the frequency or time axis. Paper
presented at TRICAP '97, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lake Chelan, Washington, May 1997.
- Hopke, P. K., Paatero, P., Jia, H., Ross, R. T., &
Harshman, R. A. Three-way factor analysis: Examination and comparison
of alternative computational methods. Paper presented at TRICAP '97, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lake Chelan, Washington, May, 1997.
- Paatero, P., Harshman, R. A., & Lundy, M. E. Synthetic degenerate PARAFAC models:
Construction, properties and connections with centering. Poster presented at TRICAP '97, a conference on three-way methods in chemistry and psychology, Lake Chelan, Washington, May, 1997.
- Harshman, R. A., & Chino, N. A refactoring method for
fitting the Hermitian factor analysis model that allows self-similarity
estimation and missing values. Paper presented at the Twenty-fourth
Annual Meeting of the Behaviormetric Society of Japan, Chiba, Japan, September, 1996.
- Do, T., Harshman, R. A., McIntyre, N. S., & Lundy, M. E.
New application of parallel factor analysis in the study of oxidation
of aluminum by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Poster presented
at the Eighth Canadian Materials Science Conference, London, Ontario, June, 1996.
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- Harshman, R. A. Generalizations, extensions
and structured special-purpose modifications of PARAFAC with possible
applications in chemistry. Paper presented at the First Conference on Three-Way Analysis Methods in Chemistry (TRIC): A Meeting of Psychometrics and Chemometrics, Epe, The Netherlands, August, 1993.
- Harshman, R. A., & Lundy, M. E.
Three-way DEDICOM: Analyzing multiple matrices of asymmetric
relationships. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the North American Psychometric Society, Columbus, Ohio, July, 1992.
- Harshman, R. A., & Lundy, M. E.
"Oblique and still unique?" Applying parallel profiles in more general
models for factor analysis and multidimensional scaling. Paper
presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Classification and Psychometric Societies, New Brunswick, New Jersey, June, 1991.
- Harshman, R. A., Lundy, M. E., &
Kruskal, J. B. Comparison of trilinear and quadrilinear methods:
Strengths, weaknesses, and degeneracies. Paper presented at "Multiway '88", an international meeting on the analysis of multiway data matrices, Rome, March, 1988. (invited)
- Kruskal, J. B., Harshman, R. A., &
Lundy, M. E. Some relationships among Tucker three-mode factor analysis
(3-MFA), PARAFAC-CANDECOMP, and CANDELINC. Paper presented at "Multiway '88", an international meeting on the analysis of multiway data matrices, Rome, March, 1988.
- Harshman, R. A., & Kiers, H. Algorithms
for DEDICOM analysis of asymmetric data. Paper presented at the
European Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Enschede, The Netherlands, June, 1987.
- Harshman, R. A., & Lundy, M. E. "New"
methods of exploratory factor analysis use three-way data to solve
rotation problem. Poster presented at the Third Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Individual Differences, Toronto, Ontario, June, 1987.
- Dawson, M. R., & Harshman, R. A.
Multidimensional analysis of asymmetries in stimulus confusions. Paper
presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Toronto, June, 1986.
- Harshman, R. A., Lundy, M. E., &
Kruskal, J. B. Centering of three-way and two-way data: Theory and
diagnostics. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Toronto, June, 1986.
- Kinnucan, M. T., & Harshman, R. A.
Symmetric and skew-symmetric components of alphabetic confusion
matrices. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Classification Society of North America, Columbus, Ohio, June, 1986.
- Harshman, R. A., and Lundy, M. E. Multidimensional analysis of preference structures. Presented at the Bell Communications Research Telecommunications Demand Modeling Conference, New Orleans, October, 1985.
- Kruskal, J. B., Harshman, R. A., &
Lundy, M. E. Several mathematical relationships between
PARAFAC-CANDECOMP and three-mode factor analysis. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Classification Society of North America, St. John's, Newfoundland, July, 1985.
- Lundy, M. E., Harshman, R. A., &
Kruskal, J. B. A two-stage procedure incorporating good features of
both trilinear and quadrilinear methods. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Classification Society of North America, St. John's, Newfoundland, July, 1985.
- Harshman, R. A. (1978). Models for
analysis of asymmetrical relationships among N objects or stimuli.
Paper presented at the First Joint Meeting of the Psychometric Society and The Society for Mathematical Psychology, Hamilton, Ontario, August.
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